Toning my tummy!?

Heyy! :). I need some advice pleaseee! I really want a toned tummy and I know to achieve that I have to still loose some weight and get a bit more muscle. (My profile pic is a recent pic of my tummy) I want to know if I will be able to achieve the goal with what I'm doing now though. I started counting calories last week and so far I have been able to get around 800-900 calorie deflect per day (apart from sat and sunday.. I kina went over my daily intake but only by like a 100, and my over all weekly deflect was over 3500). I run for and hr and bike for 30 mins a day and then do this Alpha Abs workout on the nike training club app (i do that 2 times a day which I started with a month ago). The workouts I do only from Monday to Friday, and some fridays i dont run. Will this help me reach my goal or do I have to do more and burn more calories? Any advice anyone can give pleaseee?? Thankss :))


  • beckytcy
    beckytcy Posts: 135 Member
    I like Pilates. If you Google blogilates you can find YouTube pilates workouts. Much cheaper than classes. Good luck!
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you want a toned tummy, you have to get lean enough for the muscles underneath to show. There is no secret to doing so (specifically for your tummy), you just need to stay the course. Also, I would throw in more resistance training. Weight-lifting exercises are a great way to boost your metabolism and burn fat.

  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    If your profile picture is you an 800 to 900 calorie daily deficit is way way aggressive, as in overly aggressive. Might want to drop that to more like a 400 calorie deficit.

    As for getting a toned tummy that comes from weight lifting enough to have the shape to your muscle and diet enough to reveal it under the fat. Right now it doesn't look like you have much fat so really you might want to consider eating at maintenance or a slight surplus and lifting heavy especially things for your core like deadlifts.

    To me the "problem" in aesthetics is not fat its need for more muscle definition. I put "problem" in quotes because honestly you look great.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    900 calorie deficit
    1.5 hours of cardio every day
    An "abs" app twice a day?

    'um, no. I'd suggest:
    250-500 calorie deficit a day.
    About 100grams of protein.
    Weight lifting 3 times a week (something like Stronglifts 5x5).
    If you really want you could add some ab targeting isolation moves after this
    A hour of cardio 2-4 times a week if you'd like, unless you are training for some type of an event.