Exercise question

QAPmom Posts: 458 Member
How often do you exercise and do you take days off? I do exercise daily, usually Zumba core on the wii or I will walk for 20 minutes at a fast pace. I have read that you should do both so I am curious what you guys do and what works for you. I have lost 10 lbs since early March and still have about 35-40 lbs to go...


  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I Sweat Daily!
    Run 3 days a week with long run on Saturdays
    Ride bike 24 miles per day mon-fri to work
    long ride on sunday morning, usually 30+
    play softball sunday nights

    lift whenever I am out bar-b-qing (couple nights a week) Mostly just bench, squat and powercleans.

    Play alot!

    Sweat Daily!

    That's me
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    How often do you exercise and do you take days off? I do exercise daily, usually Zumba core on the wii or I will walk for 20 minutes at a fast pace. I have read that you should do both so I am curious what you guys do and what works for you. I have lost 10 lbs since early March and still have about 35-40 lbs to go...
    Exercise 5 days a week in some fashion. Some days are just running. Some running and body resistance.

    Of course you should take days off. Why not?

    Know what the great thing is and how you know when you are "arrived"? When you dont feel right unless you DO work out!
    When you start the whole regimine you sometimes dread the workouts, but there is a time when your thinking turns and you start to dislike your days off.
  • KrisJ125
    KrisJ125 Posts: 93 Member
    I exercise mostly every day. There are some days when that is just a 20 minute walk, but most days I do more strenuous cardio (aerobics, circuit training, kickboxing). I also do strength training 2 times/week with weights. I have lost about 15 lbs in three months, but more importantly, I have lost inches (waist, hips, chest) and regained some of the muscle that I had allowed to atrophy as I got older. I feel so much more fit!! I am a big proponent of workout DVDs. I have a variety of them: several cardio, strength, pilates (and even yoga-which I do very infrequently!). Variety is key to keeping me from being bored and hitting a plateau.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    For the vast majority, I do intense exercise 5-6 days/week (depending on what program I'm on). I work in weight lifting, high intensity intervals, yoga, and a little cardio. If you want efficient results, you need to put in the time and effort. The real key is to be consistent, in your workouts and in the kitchen.
