not new, but new to my new found motivation

hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
I am not new, I had an accout here three years ago, lost all my baby weight but still had my excess weight from stupidity lol... but I had to use a new name couldnt remember any of my old info.. anyways I am Currently on a thirty day streak here and am just now getting my butt in gear.. I have been logging but not eating at a deficit I have only lost three pounds in thirty days because I could not get my mind right all I thought about was how hungry I was and thinking about fooooooood allllll day, but I realised, I wasnt hungry, I was just so obsessed with counting calories in the wrong way, I was thinking abouti how I only have 200 calories left but thats not enough, im starving... then it hit me, you are not starving, you are over obsessing like calories left are some kind of punishment... I decided, I have a hundred pounds to lose but 50 for now is ok, a hundred is just too big to feel close to it... fifty feels doable, and another fifty will be doable again after success has been reached....I am a mom of five, breastfeeding exclusively an eight month old so I know hunger comes from that also, so I am going to set my weight loss to a reasonable amount, I am going to eat my breastfeeding calories and I am going to eat half my exercise calories and I am going to have fun losing weight because I am no longer going to think about how running out of calories is a problem, I am going to be conscious of how I spread my calories by logging my exercise at the end of the day so that I can have a snack later because of the earned calories so.... I am not new, I am just new to my new plan and new found motivation, and darnit, I am not giving up on myself this kids deserve a mom and I deserve happiness and my husband deserves his wife back


  • jennk5309
    jennk5309 Posts: 206 Member
    Your 8 month old has no solid foods yet? Just remember that when he does start on that, 500 extra calories a day will probably be too much. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what it drops down to. I know that Weight Watchers normally gives 14 extra points for EBF, and it drops to 7 when you add solids to your baby's diet. So maybe only 250 calories extra a day? Just thought I'd add that if it helps. Oh, and you can do it!!!
  • hamo1987
    hamo1987 Posts: 65 Member
    He eats solids, but he still nurses over eight times a day, much like a newborn, I appreciate the advice, I am actually trained in lactation so iu have already started to lower my calories to 300 a day. :-) also, at eight months old, there should not be a drastic change in the amount of solids, solids are used as a teaching method to prepare baby for eating solid foods and also for iron as mom cannot provide enough iron at this age without either solids or poly vi sol iron supplementation. I took all these things into account while selecting my calories burned.