Running Help!!!

If you go running everyday is that bad?? or shoudl you do somethign else??? I am doing the Couch to 5K program and have really enjoyed it a lot but on that program you run 3 times a week.....sooo for example this week I ran Monday and Wednesday nad was planning on running Friday but if I ran today woudl that be too much.......or what is your opinion on the matter???


  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    If you are new to running and doing the couch to 5K... I would suggest NOT running more than what is reccomended. You will just end up injuring yourself by doing too much, too fast.
  • IRun24
    IRun24 Posts: 30
    If you are new to running and doing the couch to 5K... I would suggest NOT running more than what is reccomended. You will just end up injuring yourself by doing too much, too fast.

    To continue that thought -- mix it up by doing other cardio work-outs. Cycling is awesome for runners since it builds leg muscles and cardio but you don't have the constant pounding that you do on runs.

    For example, I am in the middle of training for my next half marathon in December and my next full marathon in the spring. Right now, I will be amping up my running to 5x per week, lifting 3x week, and cross training (cycling, cardio class) 2x a week. That being said, I've been a runner for 10 years, have run lots of races before, and know exactly what my body is telling me when I run. I've had my share of injuries and know that you just need to be patient and do the runs the program tells you to do.

    Good luck!
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    you can google search 5k training schedules. when I trained for my first one, I always had a day of cross training ( Bike, swim, etc ) and 2 rest days! good luck :)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    If you are new to running and doing the couch to 5K... I would suggest NOT running more than what is reccomended. You will just end up injuring yourself by doing too much, too fast.

    To continue that thought -- mix it up by doing other cardio work-outs. Cycling is awesome for runners since it builds leg muscles and cardio but you don't have the constant pounding that you do on runs.

    For example, I am in the middle of training for my next half marathon in December and my next full marathon in the spring. Right now, I will be amping up my running to 5x per week, lifting 3x week, and cross training (cycling, cardio class) 2x a week. That being said, I've been a runner for 10 years, have run lots of races before, and know exactly what my body is telling me when I run. I've had my share of injuries and know that you just need to be patient and do the runs the program tells you to do.

    Good luck!

    I agree I graduated C25K a few weeks ago. I cross trained through the whole thing. On off days I cycled, swam, lifted weights, or some combination of the 3. About 3/4 of the way through I added cycling to the days I ran too. So if I did C25K immediately after my run I would cycle 4-8 miles.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    I'm doing C25K right now and i don't think doing it more than 3 times a week, especially early on, is a good idea. You need to give your body time to recover from doing something newer and harder each week, so that day or two in between is very much needed. The guy who put the program together apparently knew what he was doing since it does work for so many people, so trust the program.
    In between days consider walking or some other cardio or even hitting some weights as well.
    good luck with your program! I'm on week 8 with my first 5K coming up on Dec. 4!
  • JenniferEdwardz
    JenniferEdwardz Posts: 18 Member
    My thought is this
    If it feels good, do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep up the hard work
  • missyhse
    missyhse Posts: 189
    I'm not super familiar with the C25K programs, but I think if you feel good it is fine to run an extra day, especially if you vary your pace and distance. Listen to your body and don't push too hard. Cross training is a great alternative too, and so is incorporating some strength/resistance training. Good luck! :)
  • amoore1227
    amoore1227 Posts: 12 Member
    I never heard of C25K, I will look it up! I started running in May, first time in my life! Thank goodness I did, it helped me lose 10 lbs.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    If you are new to running and doing the couch to 5K... I would suggest NOT running more than what is reccomended. You will just end up injuring yourself by doing too much, too fast.

    To continue that thought -- mix it up by doing other cardio work-outs. Cycling is awesome for runners since it builds leg muscles and cardio but you don't have the constant pounding that you do on runs.

    For example, I am in the middle of training for my next half marathon in December and my next full marathon in the spring. Right now, I will be amping up my running to 5x per week, lifting 3x week, and cross training (cycling, cardio class) 2x a week. That being said, I've been a runner for 10 years, have run lots of races before, and know exactly what my body is telling me when I run. I've had my share of injuries and know that you just need to be patient and do the runs the program tells you to do.

    Good luck!

    Totally agree. Use your days off to cross train (strength training, swim, bike, whatever). You can work on building your mileage after you are finished the program.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Currently I am running 4 -5 days a week. Just make sure you stretch before and after and don't push yourself too hard. You should be fine. You can never run too much.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    thanks for the input!!! I am going to Zumba tonight soo I am also doing other things it was just a pretty day so I thought why not becuz I feel soo good when I am done!!! but maybe I should continue to do some strength training and wait to run tmw!!! hummmm decisions decisions!!!