Hypothyroidism is Killing me!

losingitwithjess Posts: 28
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I have been trying to loose weight for so long and just couldn't no matter how much I exercised.. I was like what is going on with me? I went to the doctor and we found out that I have hypothyroidism... I am at a loss it seems no matter how much I exercise and eat healthy I can't lose weight.. it is so frustrating... HELP!


  • pizzy
    pizzy Posts: 47
    im in the same boat as you, before i got it under control and taking my meds, i would work out very hard and ate right, but i never lost anything, i would slowly gain. now that i have it somewhat under control im losing weight a lot easier, i will get better once you find the right dose you will notice you are losing weight, it will be alot more difficult but you still have to push hard
  • klwatkins
    klwatkins Posts: 16 Member
    I'm right there with you girl!
  • I know exactly how you feel! I was diagnosed with hypothyroid when I was 17 so it has been a constant battle for 10 years. I find that losing weight the healthy way is so hard and takes twice as long. Just get yourself on the right dose of meds and you'll notice a difference in everything, not just weight. Hang in there, you're not alone!!
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
  • peanut352
    peanut352 Posts: 75 Member
    I also was diagnosed with an under active thyroid about 4 months ago. I take Levothyroxine, but it has not hindered my weight loss. I think after your Dr. gets you on the right dose of medication, it will become a lot easier to lose.

    Dont give up! Just keep doing what your doing and you will see results. :flowerforyou:
  • roseyrose2000
    roseyrose2000 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes, i do am in the same boat, sarted dieting in Januar was killing myself at the gym and took 5weeks for 1lb. I went to the dr and they did a complete work up. I found have hypothyrodism also. I know take synthroid, a mild dosage but has made a difference. Since January i have lost 12lbs(which considering i work out 6 days a week) is a little slow, but the scale is moving, so i am sticking with it....DONT, give up...!!!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    I am 41 (almost 42) years old and have been dealing with hypothyroidism for about 8 years now. It is an ongoing battle....some days are good some days are not...some weeks are great some weeks are not. I go thru periods where my levels start to go off and I will seriously gain about 10 pounds in a 7-9 day period. It doesnt matter if I am exercising or eating well if my levels are off then I will gain. It is very frustrating because I see the weight coming on (my pants dont fit) and it will make me so frustrated and not want to exercise or eat right (you know the mind telling me it doesnt matter if you eat 1200 or 2500 calories you are still going to gain) and so I stop the exercise and start to eat crappy and then within a week or so the 10 pounds turned to 15.
    Hypothyroidsm is a hard disease....people look at it as something that isnt serious -- oh so your gaining weight or tired - could be worse you could have cancer type of mentality....and in a way they may be right but it is still a disease that makes you not right....not happy or not healthy and it should be taken seriously.
    My advice to you is that you need to keep up the healthy lifestyle. Exercise should be part of your daily routine (it helps with the joint pain and lethargy of the disease) eating right should be a daily occurence (it helps with your moods, anxiety and skin) and at some point you have to learn to accept that there are good days and bad and be able to look within yourself to find strrength to get thru the not good ones (I have found yoga and it is a LIFESAVER).
    Good luck. There are a lot of us on this site that have the disease...its a good support group!
  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    ...and also the other posters are right once you get on your meds and the body is regulated it will be easier....however, it will still come off slower then somebody without the disease...and the last few pounds although they will come off eventually they are very difficult...but dont get discouraged....what you cant control makes you stronger
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    Being diagnosed is the hardest part. Now getting on the right meds and the right levels need to be your next step, because nothing is going to help until you get that under control. Once you do look at your diet it will work against you more because of your thyroid. Make sure you work out at least 4 days a week for 30 min each time.

    Find a doctor that you are comfortable with, who you trust and knows about your disease. I went through 4 doctors before I found mine and she is awesome.

    You can do this. I thought I couldn't because of this disease, but I made changes and lost 40 pounds. It took longer than it did for many other people, but a year later the weight is still off and I am healthy and doing well. You can too.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I have it too. lost 33-ish pounds, but it's taken in January and I've plateaued for 3 months. take your meds, it will help. and don't give up! you are not alone :flowerforyou:
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