feeling really crap

So I did well, I lost 1.5 stone from Jan. I wanted to lose 2 by my bday in early mmay, SSSI I wasn't quite there but pretty good. Then it was my bday and I've put on about 5 lbs and I'm all swollen and bloated and I'm looking way bigger and my inches have gone up and I'm feeling so rubbish. I wanted to go onto not tracking but obvs it's not working and more I have a party for my birthday in a few weeks time and I'm looking awful and fell so terrible and rubbish!!!! Argh!!! What to do? I'm not going to go silly but im just so disappointed with myself and I'm going to look horrible for my thirtieth (which was my only goal when I started) and I wanna cry and cry. Sorry for the winge just thought someone could help. Sorry.


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Just get started again. I like to think of it as simple math, if you eat at a deficit then you must lose weight. Of course if you don't log everything you eat then you are omitting the unpleasant reality. Also don't eat to far under your calorie number, I seem to loose more weight when I am closer to the deficit number MFP worked out for me. Step back and look at the charts and graphs here too. I noticed that weekends were undoing a lot of hard work and made an adjustment that worked. It will also take time and steady progress. Your current weight doesn't care when the next event is and a two pound loss per week is the most I would go for. Any more than that and you'll become susceptible to binges. Good luck!
  • lauly101
    lauly101 Posts: 63 Member
    Rsclause, thank you! I'm back on it. I feel like I can't complain to people at home and work cox o really have done well and I'm getting het up about something small but I knew people her would get it. Tracking again. I just Sad I took a step back. Thank you!