Very frustrated and feel like crying.

Starting weight was 163 pounds... and May 17th will mark my second month of cutting my calories. I now weight 155 pounds..... but 3 days ago the scale said 152 pounds. I did have a cheat day 2 days ago... but I still didn't go overboard... I only had two boxes of mike and IKES, and that's basically it... because the rest of the food was within my calories. I have even been eating 1,100 calories some days, because we've been working on my grandparents new house... been a little busy.

Now, my water intake has been low. I've been drinking gatorade for the last couple days.

HOWEVER, for the last 2days.... the scale has been reading 156 pounds... then when I take my clothes off it says 155.2 or 154.

Now, I see a change in my waist and arms and shoulders especially. However, my stomach seems like it's growing back.

IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO HAVE GAINED 2 or 3 pounds in 3 days?

I haven't been running or working out lately due to painting and working on my grandparents new house.

Did that cheat day throw off my body to no longer lose?


  • jeandyer1
    jeandyer1 Posts: 1
    Hi , like you i am new to mfp , i to go up and down for no reason, i have stuck to my allowance and i also have a rest day but again i dont go mad ,just keep at it and i am sure you will see results,
  • midnightjogger
    midnightjogger Posts: 45 Member
    More than likely it's just water retention. Have you had a lot of sodium in your diet lately? I've noticed as my body weight adjust it fluctuates by a couple of pounds. Just hang in there and ride it out. It should adjust itself in a couple of days.
  • bravid98
    bravid98 Posts: 80 Member
    In my experience, day-to-day weight fluctuations are just that, fluctuations. Most of the time it's just water weight because of high sodium intake or you've got a constitutional waiting in the wings.

    Gatorade is terrible BTW, it's loaded with sodium (and sugar in some cases); just drink water instead.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    1100 calories while working on gramma's house isn't enough, body is gonna set itself into starvation mode. Make sure you're getting enough calories for the work you're doing, even if you have to pack almonds...
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    I can tell you that weight goes up and down - it's not a linear process all the way to your goal. Oh how I wish it were! Still, if your clothes are fitting better and maybe you're losing inches, then it's all good. The weight will follow. It will always likely fluctuate up and down so you need to find a health range and try to stay within that range. Believe me, I would love to see the scale say 155 or even 160, but I have a long way to go to get there! Still, I'm down 72 pounds from where I started. A couple of weeks ago (maybe a bit longer now) I was down 72 for the first time. Then within less than 2 weeks I put back on 17 pounds - yep, that's not a hiccup that was seventeen! It was all water, but it still frustrated me no end! It's back off now and I hope I'm back on the downhill slope for a bit.

    Keep at it - it will all pay off!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    Every body fluctuates. I fluctuate 2-4 pounds. Also depends on where I am in the my cycle, and the time of the day. It's normal. I wouldn't freak out over this.
  • mathandcats
    mathandcats Posts: 786 Member
    It's probably water retention. Don't drink Gatorade, water is much better, and drinking water will lead the body to release the retained water. You will likely see your weight go down again. You may also be retaining water if it's near your TOM.
  • hirstrl
    hirstrl Posts: 157 Member
    i had this same panic attack not too long ago!. i had a splurge night. friday fish. Fried fish and French Fries and to top it off we had fried appetizers. the next week i saw a fluxuation of 4 lbs. I was mortified. I thought i ruined everything i was trying for in 1 meal. but as the time went on and i stuck to my meal plan the scale got back to neurtral. i have been averaging 1-1.5 lbs per week. some weeks im down 2 lbs and sometimes just 1. But now i just make sure i stay below my calorie goal as often as possible that way i can have a night out once in a while and it wont undo all my hard work.
  • Siriku
    Siriku Posts: 22 Member
    "IS IT POSSIBLE FOR ME TO HAVE GAINED 2 or 3 pounds in 3 days? "

    Of fat? Only if you've gone 7000 to 10500 calories over your TDEE.

    Of water weight? Yes. This happens quite often if you consume high amounts of sodium (so Gatorade will contribute to that). Good news is that water weight comes off a lot easier. Relax.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Why do you weigh every day? Take a break. Weighing daily can set you up for a miserable day. Weekly is plenty. I NEVER weigh. Go by how my clothes fit.
  • DeboraW_55
    DeboraW_55 Posts: 95 Member
    Like everyone said. It probably is water. Last week I only lost .4 pounds after working out every day. Except one. But the next week 4.6 so font get discouraged. It happens to ALL of us.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Weight fluctuates based on food in your digestive tract, sodium, time of month if you're female, dehydration, and exercise. Here are my weights for the week:


    If it's going to upset you then don't weigh every day. Most people do fine with a weekly weigh-in. Also make sure you weigh no more than once per day at the same time (morning is best) and in the same state of dress/undress.

    In general if you've gained overnight that's water retention. If you see your weight gradually creeping up then that might signify a problem.
  • Tharja27
    Tharja27 Posts: 2
    I think everyone weight go's up and down .. mines do too..
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Well Gatorade is higher in sodium. Sodium = water retention.

    Stick with plain water.
  • lrmall01
    lrmall01 Posts: 377 Member
    Read this and start tracking your weight this way. Stop worrying about a couple individual readings and worry more about your trendline over time.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    Don't weigh in more than once a week. It will do NOTHING but frustrate you and make you want to cry. Pick a time each week to weigh (I weigh friday mornings before I eat anything) wearing the same clothes etc. This will give you a slightly more accurate numbers to base your actual progression. Good luck and don't stop because you don't see the numbers you want on the scale. The scale is not everything.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    You are retaining water. Drink more water and in a week, keep eating at a deficit and it will come off in a week or so.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    Eating too little, especially when performing a lot of exercise, will make you retain water. It's also not good for your body, will start to cannibalize the nutrients in your muscles for fuel (p.s. your heart is a muscle).