Not new, trying again to lose weight!

gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
When I was on here last, I weighed 183 and wanted to be 155. I now weigh 204 and want to weigh 155-160.

That's 40lbs I want to lose, which seems pretty daunting, considering the most I've ever lost in my life has been 8lbs. When I was on here last I went from 183 to 175, but then went camping in the summer and lost track and didn't log for many months... then went on some medication and was on employment insurance (not working) and went all the way up to 210.

I have a son that will be born any week now, my wife is 35 weeks pregnant, and I want to be the fit Dad that I know I can be. I don't want to feel fat when I take my shirt off at the beach. I want to wear size 32 pants, not size 38.

Anyone that wants to add me feel free, I like to converse on my news feed but currently don't have very many active friends!



  • el_barretto
    el_barretto Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, in a similar position myself! :smile:

    Lost a load of weight before, got down to 168, was aiming for 140. Lost track somewhere..

    Couple years later and I was back up to 187, determined now though. On a mission. Logging every day I find is key for me. And being honest with myself!

    So hey :) I'm Claire, in the UK.

    sw: 187
    cw: 177
    gw: 140

  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I started at 320, so I've come a much further distance than you. But I'm around 190 now, and my goal is exactly in your range.

    I'll definitely add you brother!