Junkfood Addict Needs Your Support



  • sunybuny420
    sunybuny420 Posts: 6 Member
    Here's my suggestions,
    Switch to Organic Cola like BlueSky, it's not very good but totally satiates the craving for Coke, Then you can ween yourself off of cola eventually. Diet Coke is basically a chemical concoction so it's better to have organic cola than diet because in the long run, you'll aim to limit Coke to restaurant meals or to Saturday nights or something like that.

    Now, junk food solution that works, trust me. I LOVE my bad food habits. Head on down to Fresh Market (hope you have one in your town) and grab 3 or 4 bags and start filling them with trail mix. Pick one that's super sweet, (like the one with marshnmallow and dried pineapple) (or the one with lots of yogurt and chocolate covered raisins) and some that are extra healthy and have good variety of components, and one to satisfy your salty-cravings. Then when you have a snack craving, always reach for your healthy mixes but when you have that killer sweet or salty craving you'll have a better option ready to tackle those urges in a healthier way than junk food!
    These are not as bad for you as junk food but will still nip cravings in the bud and allow you to snack throughout the day like you (just like me) presumably do with junk food Then next time you go, get less sweet and salty and more healthy.

    Your suggestion is to replace sugar with sugar? That seems helpful.

    Yeah you totally read that 100% correctly. I totally said, eat the sweet one's all the time, and to continue drinking soda all the time!!! No, crankypants, I said reach for the healthy trail mix EVERY time, but when you have a killer craving there's a better option than 100% junk food, like trail mix even the one's that you say are "sugar" contain mostly nuts and dried fruits.
  • sunybuny420
    sunybuny420 Posts: 6 Member
    Weening down worked for me!
    Now I basically only snack on almonds and no longer get cola cravings, cause what I think of as cola isn't as rewarding to me. And replacing 'sugar' with organic sugar is actually a step in the right direction for someone who is not apt to quitting junkfood and soda cold turkey - especially if it will prevent insatiable cravings in the future which is likely a main reason of relapsing into a life of lay's potato chips and dr. pepper.
    Now, those things don't even sound good to me.

    Another tip for OP, when you reach for fruits and vegetables instead of junk, remind yourself that these food choices will extend your life and give you energy!
    Use that energy to do an extra chore around your house or some light exercise and keep your mind off of going back for more for even longer. When yo get a junkfood craving, organize a junk Drawer, re-organize your closet, alphabetize your book collection, match pairs of socks, anything =) and GOOD LUCK!!