I'm New! 20s with Kids and Workaholic Help!

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Before I had my two kids, I was young and had a high metabolism and could eat anything. Then, Bam!, metabolism slowed, I had two kids in two years and haven't been able to lose the weight. Then last year my dad had a heart attack and stroke and almost died, and now lives with my family...talk about stress! I also work 40-50 hours a week, and my fiancé works opposite shifts so in the afternoon it is me and the kids. Luckily we have been able to swim almost every day but I need advice.
*quick exercise routines I can do in the house
*meals that are not super expensive and easy to cook/prep (I'm not much of a cook!)
*any other info that will kick start my change of lifestyle



  • flipflopparadise2014
    flipflopparadise2014 Posts: 2 Member
    No advice :(
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    This is definitely the slow part of the forum, don't fret if people don't reply right away :)

    I love simple chicken meals, chicken & rice, broccoli, asparagus, etc... I oven cook my chicken usually with either honey-dijon or greek-feta dressing.

    We also have taco night at least once a week, ground beef, tomato, lettuce, cheese, wraps, and taco seasoning.. easy and quick.

    I am by no means an expert, I like you just started this journey of cooking recently... my wife is due any week now and we are both almost 30, so my metabolism has slowed considerably, whereas hers is still pretty good.

    What kinds of foods do you like?? :)
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    For exercise checkout www.fitnessblender.com
  • 281Danielle
    281Danielle Posts: 113
    For workouts check out Fitnessblender.com, I love them, they have a ton of workouts to choose from and they best part is they are completely free. They even have a workout plan you can buy for busy people, I think the workouts are around 30 mins a piece and it's only about 10 bucks. For cooking sorry but I'm no help there, I am a horrible cook, the only thing I can think of is doing whole chickens, you can make casseroles, stews, soups, chicken salad and I'm sure a million other things.
  • wickedpursuit
    wickedpursuit Posts: 47 Member
    Crockpot. Seriously. That thing is a lifesaver in so many ways! There are a billion recipes on the internet for it (and I have a few cookbooks, because I love me some cookbooks). It's basically a set it and forget it situation - and you can even prep your meals for a while in advance and freeze them.


    I usually reserve Sunday for my cooking day - since it's just me, it's not too bad, but you should be able to find an hour or two in which to throw things together!

    As for exercises... try dips against the counter (triceps or chest). Bodyweight squats can be done while you're waiting for things - same with calf-raises or side lunges! You can do curls (and, really, a bunch of arm exercises) with jugs of water. Of course, if you're looking for quick routines, check out the sparkpeople.com site - they have several videos with different fitness 'themes', so to speak.
