Clicky knee

So I discovered my love for running a few weeks ago. I did five 5K runs the first week and five 7K runs the second week. Prior to that I was doing p90x and insanity so it was challenging but not crazy. But after the last run my knee started to feel sore. I ran again the next day but it felt really off and I had to cut it a bit short. Since then I have been trying to rest it (3 days) but I would really like to get back at it tomorrow! It really doesn't hurt at all now but it still feels a little weird. It's clicking a bit when I straighten and bend it again. I really want to keep up my momentum but I don't want to make it worse. Any advice from fellow runners?


  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Talk to a trainer or a doctor STAT. Sounds like a possible injured meniscus. If it is that, it's VITAL that you rest and seek medical help asap. Don't try to "push through" or "walk it off" it can become a BIG DEAL with LONG RECOVERY if you're not careful.
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    I also have a lot more soreness in my quad than usual... I feel like it's travelling up to my hip. I have had ankle injuries on this leg in the past, I'm wondering if it has something to do with the way I land when I run..

    Thank you for the advice, I will continue (begrudgingly) to take it easy.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Foam roller, look up videos for working the IT band. You're possibly pulling the knee, and yes it will get worse if you don't do something to work out that tightness. If you continue running you'll want to learn how to use a foam roller and lacrosse ball to hit all your major muscle groups anyways.

    And OP, the first time you use the roller, it's gonna hurt like a bish.

    ETA: just saw the bit about ankles and your running gait? Are you heel striking?
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks, I am DEFINITELY going to go out and get a foam roller tomorrow. I've been hearing a lot about them but I think I really have to look into it. I also had to look up what heel striking is I don't... think so?... oh boy, I'm in over my head here. I need more running resources!
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    LOL, no worries. When your foot hits the ground do you hit on the heel, the middle of the foot or the ball of the foot?
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    I think I hit with the ball of the foot first.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Ok, ideally most people recommend a mid-foot to front-foot gait so if that's the case that's a good thing. I asked because I used to be a heel striker myself and that messed with my ankles and knees horribly. The only other thing that I would recommend is if you plan on sticking with the running and increasing your distance, getting your running gait analyzed so you can get the best pair of running shoes for your gait is a good idea as well. Most specialty running stores will have someone there who can watch your running gait and get you in to a good pair of shoes.

    But for now foam roll foam roll foam roll.