Weight loss pills??



  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Yes i am, I am taking Hydroxycut MAX and its working alright
    I am noticing fat loss and it gives me so much energy
    I can run 3 to 5 miles a day if i take it before a workout.
    Make sure you drinky PLENTY of water though.... i have passed out because of how dehydrated it made me
    so also be very careful when using a weightloss supplement.
    And only use if you plan on eating healthy or excercising or you will see no results. And have a huge loss in your funds
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    Nothing about taking a supplement is "easy." I hate when people snicker like "I'm doing it the hard way" like I'm not. I work my butt off daily thank you very much. To each his own. You'll gain weight back if you shovel food in your mouth and stop exercising... not simply from stopping a pill. It is all "hard work."
  • I don't take pills but I do have a Maximuscle pro max diet bar in the mornings. It's full of protein and contains green tea. I've just started eating them everyday so I'll see in a months time if they've helped me lose weight or not. I'm eating fresh foods apart from that and still exercising.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I've tried several

    The old hydroxycut --Lost 50 pounds, in 2 1/2 months gained it back with in 3 months quitting
    Zantrac (think is the name) 3 --took two pills ended up in the hosptiol with a massive headache that literrally dropped me to my knees out of no where.

    The Hollywood diet drink--- never did lose the 10 pounds but it would clean you out :P

    Something called thryo-slim...it worked till I stopped taking it
    twoways--worked for a while but then I started getting migraines
    epedadrine(sp) well that isn't even available any more..

    So yeah I've tried several and most do work, when they aren't trying to kill me...but they only work for as long as you can take them, then most people gain the weight plus some back.
  • I have not had any OTC pills work for me. I did get a prescription for Phentermine from my doc before. It definitely helps cut down your appetite BUT normally you don't get them for more than 3 months. I would eat normal foods but did not feel the need for overeating or snack constantly. I ended up gaining back the 20+ lbs I lost. It's definitely a great aid in the beginning but the whole lifestyle change has to be a part of that.
  • Man
    Pills sure are neat
    Yet another thing to toss down
    In the hopes of chemical salvation
    They are very expensive lies
    And the FDA doesn't have oversight on the majority of weight-loss supplements
    That's why they're never approved
    They just aren't on the FDA radar
    As for the fine folks at GNC
    A startlingly large number of their products cause nasty little side effects
    You could go jittery at work (much to the chagrin of your coworkers)
    Or you could have renal failure
    Fun! Right?
    Here's the thing
    If you are here
    Like me
    Like so many of us
    You've eaten yourself to this point
    You're disappointed
    Maybe you're encouraged
    You're doing a good thing by joining this sight
    But please please please
    Avoid weight-loss pills
    Save yourself the money
    Save your health
    Keep working at it
    Remain calm
    and carry on.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    I use to to take OxyElite Pro back in September. They do work. However, they are not a miracle pill. They will help suppress your appetite, but their are some side effects. Insomnia was my main one. So please do your research. Also, this is not a replacement for a good diet plan. It will simply help lessen snacking in between planned meals. I took two in the morning pre-workout, and then one at night. Make sure to take it on an empty stomach, and try to wait a little bit before you eat after taking them. It usually takes 10 - 30 minutes before it starts to kick in. It is also worth noting that if you stay on these for too long you will start to become used to the thermogenic. So it is important to cycle off it every month or two.

  • wonrob
    wonrob Posts: 66 Member
    Most weight loss pills contain caffeine in them. When I used to take them, I would always get a jittery feeling, difficulty concentrating, rapid heart rate and sometimes, slight difficulty breathing. And if taken too late at night I wouldn't be able to sleep. They interfere too much with uni and especially with exams coming around soon.

    But they did work initially. I think after a while the effects wore off.
  • Right now I am taking Hydroxycut Hardcore and I have lost 3 and a half pounds in 3 days. I have not noticed any side affects at all since but I believe that different pills can re-act differenntly with different peoples bodies.
    Also, I have taken extra virgin coconut oil and also lost 3 lbs with those, No side effects either but again different bodies different effects. Extra virgin coconut oil in mainly for diabetics but it is also a dietary suppliment.
  • I am never touching diet pills ever again. I was taking ephedrine at one point and it was the worst thing ever, I was constantly getting dizzy and my chest was hurting so bad I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack.
  • Can anyone explain to me the function of aspirin in the ephedra, caffeine, aspirin stack? I understand the role of the first two drugs but can't for the life of me work out why aspirin is included.

    Not that I am planning on taking anything like that, I'm just curious, I can't find any information about it on the internet.
  • I don't think I am wrong stating the general concensus on diet pills (or any 'diet plan' for that matter) must necessarily involve a lifestyle change following the 'diet' phase or the results will never be sustainable.
  • jhandley
    jhandley Posts: 118
    Nothing about taking a supplement is "easy." I hate when people snicker like "I'm doing it the hard way" like I'm not. I work my butt off daily thank you very much. To each his own. You'll gain weight back if you shovel food in your mouth and stop exercising... not simply from stopping a pill. It is all "hard work."

    I agree! I totally dislike when people comment saying, do the natural thing, and eat right & exercise! That may work for some people.....and for those that it does FABULOUS for you, but for those that it doesn't there is nothing wrong with going with an aid to get you through those tough pounds!
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I took ephedrine a while back and it made my back ache and without this being TMI, it made my bowel movements smell REALLY STRANGE and my sweat smelled the same :sick:

    Not good - but then a friend at work is taking thermobol and she's getting on great with that.

    I have a maximuscle shake after a workout now but that's about it.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Can anyone explain to me the function of aspirin in the ephedra, caffeine, aspirin stack? I understand the role of the first two drugs but can't for the life of me work out why aspirin is included.

    Not that I am planning on taking anything like that, I'm just curious, I can't find any information about it on the internet.
    From what I have read, aspirin really doesn't play a role and is unnecessary. I only stack ephedra and caffeine.
  • zakkthebear
    zakkthebear Posts: 52 Member
    in the end, it's whatever does it for you.

    I'm on a bunch of crap to keep my body together, nothing I can do about it. It is what it is. I've found what works *for me* and your mileage can and will vary.

    That said when people say "OMG you've lost weight! What diet are you on!?" I simply reply "the bust-your-*kitten* and don't stuff your fat face diet. It's working really well"

    Every body is different. Find what makes yours run as efficiently and smoothly as possible.
  • if your looking for a good weight loss just stick to tracking everything and sticking within your allowed calories i did that with weight watchers and went from 198 to 135 in a year with no weight supplements or drinks just tracking what i eat and the only reason i gained it back was cause i got pregnant but honestly if your fed up with your weight you can do it willingly without any help from any chemicals
  • I took a variety of them back when ephedra products were legal. I don't recommend anything that will supposedly "boost your metabolism." For me it was basically speed. My heart rate (even resting) went through the roof, I had the shakes, couldn't focus, and was often dizzy and weak.

    They're not a particularly good idea.

    Meanwhile, stuff like Alli is on the market that basically makes you crap your pants if you eat anything too high in fat. I guess that's useful for people who have problems monitoring and controlling their fat content without extreme immediate consequences, but no thanks.
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