How long should my reverse diet be?

So im pretty sure my maintenance is around 2400 calories and Ive been eating 1800 calories everyday since about the second week of april but ive only been weight lifting, little to no cardio on most days, sometimes no exercise AT ALL. So seeing as how i maybe only lost like 3 lbs since then ive decided to go according to how i intended from the start. So i am getting maybe app. 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight a day, maybe 140something grams carbs a day and a 350g carb refeed at a bit over maintenance once a week on off days. Im also trianing fasted, but ive realised recently that im not as hungry anymore so its obvious that my metabolism has already slowed to some level. So with one refeed a week and eating moderate carbs, and now doing hiit 3 times a week. Im thinking about ending this cut in the beginning of june as i dont intend on it being long, so how long should my reverse diet be? I ask this question as i know my cut wont even be that long and ill be having refeeds so reverse dieting will almost be out of the question, but ive lost and gained weight too many times to take any chances so i just want to be safe this time, i guess i should be asking "How SHORT should my reverse diet be" lol.
