Why am I not losing weight?



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You aren't losing because you're starving yourself. Plain and simple. I've gone back only a week in your diary, and you only logged 2 days over 1,000 calories. The rest are averaging 500-800 a day. That isn't healthy, and is only going to hinder your weight loss. You can incorporate more high calorie foods like avocados and peanut butter into your day to meet your goals.
    I disagree. It's more like she is unintentionally underestimating calorie intake.

    People who are not enough for two weeks aren't starving.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    They call it starvation mode. You are not eating enough so your body is not releasing any calories. You need 1200 just to live.
    Eat healthy whole foods and eat your allotted calories.
    Nope, starvation mode is a myth when it comes to the normal course of weight loss. In order to be in starvation mode you need to have lost a certain amount of weight, fat, and muscle mass. It doesn't happen after two weeks, and it's pretty doubtful any of us here will have it.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    You're not eating enough according to your diary. And also, it's only been 2 weeks be patient and why don't you measure yourself. Sometimes you'll notice changes there that you won't with the scale.

    Good Luck.

    I literally cannot eat anymore because a) it makes me nauseous and b) i don't have the money to buy more food anyway. I am poor

    How did you gain the 20 pounds then? Oh wait... college = beer. :wink: :drinker:
  • justin37013
    justin37013 Posts: 6 Member
    By having such a massive caloric deficit there's a good chance your body is retaining water. Women especially can see major fluctuations in weight because of water retention. The best thing you can do is to keep tracking calories, maintain a deficit and try and eat a little more.

    There's no such thing as "your body isn't releasing calories". Your body is using something for energy. Granted, you can slow down your metabolism by not eating enough which will make things more difficult in the long run but you're probably losing weight (fat and muscle) and just can't tell because of water retention.

    Ideally you need to do some resistance training, even if it's light. You should also take at least a day a week and increase your calories to whatever your daily maintenance is. On that day eat plenty of carbs + protein and keep your fat lower. This usually helps curb water retention and you'll sometimes get a nice woosh afterwards. Keep it up for 45-60 days and I can promise you'll see the results you're looking for.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    SLLRunner is correct. There is no starvation mode. When people eat 700 calories for weeks on end they lose a lot of weight. It's not a good strategy for many reasons but it will cause weight loss, lots of it actually. The reality is as many have already pointed out. The OP is estimating everything. I see 2 ounces of potatoes in her diary. That's way less then 1 small potato. I see half a cup of baked yam. Yam is a solid food, you cannot measure solid food accurately in cups or tablespoons, those are meant for liquids. There are inconsistencies like this every day. Also OP your diet looks very low in protein...
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    According to the many pages I've read on starvation mode... You would literally need to get rid of 95% of your fat stores before you would go into starvation mode.

    What do you think fat is for? It's used for times of famine. If you didn't lose weight due to caloric insufficiency then you wouldn't die of starvation a complete stick.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL it never fails.

    OP: Why am I not losing weight?

    Reply1: You're not measuring correctly
    Reply3: Your're retaining water
    Reply4: You're not logging accurately

    OP: THANKs #2 I'll eat more !!!
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL it never fails.

    OP: Why am I not losing weight?

    Reply1: You're not measuring correctly
    Reply3: Your're retaining water
    Reply4: You're not logging accurately

    OP: THANKs #2 I'll eat more !!!
    DYEStarvationmode bro

    Stop being so rude and arrogant :angry:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    LOL it never fails.

    OP: Why am I not losing weight?

    Reply1: You're not measuring correctly
    Reply3: Your're retaining water
    Reply4: You're not logging accurately

    OP: THANKs #2 I'll eat more !!!
    DYEStarvationmode bro

    Stop being so rude and arrogant :angry:

    Can't tell if serious but just in case, he was agreeing with you.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    So it has been about 2 weeks since I came home from college where I gained the freshman 15 (more like 20).
    Since I have been home I am much more active (work out every day), and eat much healthier.
    So why aren't the extra pounds falling off?
    Can anyone give me some tips?

    Two weeks is insufficient time to accurately measure weightloss underneath the normal weight fluctuations your body will experience day to day. You have to wait at least 6 weeks and be consistent with your diet before you can truly evaluate your progress.

    I second what others have said that you are probably not accurately logging your food however regardless not enough time has past to really evaluate your weight loss anyways. Aiming for 700 calories a day however is a bad idea, that is not nearly enough food. As for not being able to eat enough because you get nauseous I'm sorry but I don't believe that for the simple reason if you are overweight you clearly have the ability to eat more food happily. You don't have to limit your diet to 100% nutrient high calorie low foods, have some nuts, have some ice cream, have some bread, have a beer. Its not hard to add calories.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    So now the answer to people who can't lose weight or can't gain weight is to eat peanut butter. Now I understand :happy:
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    So now the answer to people who can't lose weight or can't gain weight is to eat peanut butter. Now I understand :happy:

    I wish I'd known that years ago. No time to start like the present I always say.

    *goes and prepares serving spoon worth of PB*
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    LOL it never fails.

    OP: Why am I not losing weight?

    Reply1: You're not measuring correctly
    Reply3: Your're retaining water
    Reply4: You're not logging accurately

    OP: THANKs #2 I'll eat more !!!
    DYEStarvationmode bro

    Stop being so rude and arrogant :angry:
    I think your sarcaso-meter is broke.

    And FYI - I can't stop being arrogant.

    I think yours is too :wink:
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Ok, you've posted before about not losing weight. Its only been 2 weeks. That's not nearly long enough to see real weight loss. And yes, you either need to measure your food more accurately or you aren't eating enough. And regardless if "starvation mode" is a real thing or not....you should still eat more than 700 calories a day. You can't keep that up for your whole life and look good. One day you'll get tired of doing that and start eating again and gain everything back. Do some weight training, eat what you should but make sure you are in a calorie deficit and be patient. Weight fluctuates naturally so 2 weeks is just too small a time period to see real changes.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    You need to read the following. I am also broke and I eat much more than 700 calories a day. You are doing a lot of damage to your body. You managed to gain the freshman 15 so you can eat more. Sorry for being so blunt but I'm not going to sugar coat this.


    Right?? I was just thinking, the OP must have been eating more before in order to gain, right? I would literally pass out if I ate that little for more than a couple days. But I would lose a couple pounds of water weight, at least. Something is up.

    Maybe you are at good weight for yourself now? I dunno, alot of people are never as skinny as high school again, but are at a perfectly healthy weight. Just a thought...I could be totally off the mark.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    You're not eating enough according to your diary. And also, it's only been 2 weeks be patient and why don't you measure yourself. Sometimes you'll notice changes there that you won't with the scale.

    Good Luck.

    I literally cannot eat anymore because a) it makes me nauseous and b) i don't have the money to buy more food anyway. I am poor

    You obviously ate a whole lot more than 700 to gain 20 lbs.

    Might need to redefine what you consider "healthy" eating - you may be limiting yourself too much.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    According to the many pages I've read on starvation mode... You would literally need to get rid of 95% of your fat stores before you would go into starvation mode.

    What do you think fat is for? It's used for times of famine. If you didn't lose weight due to caloric insufficiency then you wouldn't die of starvation a complete stick.

    Haha! Very good point.