feeling down about lack of weight loss

kentlass Posts: 325 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
i was working out 5days out of 7 and have in total lost 21lbs but for the last two weeks or so i'm losing nothing :(

i have tried mixing up my work outs, eating some of my exercise calories, drinking more water and eating different amounts of calories per day...but nothing at all is coming off, i've actually gained half a pound, i never over eat, not once since being on mfp have i gone over my calorie goal so i just don't have a clue

i still have 30lbs to lose and i'm supposed to get married in january and i really wanted to have the weight gone by then

where am i going wrong??


  • hmrtym
    hmrtym Posts: 49 Member
    I hit a plateau every twenty pounds. I payed for a trainer to make a routine for me to get me through to the next level....Sorry it's probably not much help but maybe a choice you could think about.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Just curious, what kind of scale do you have?
    I have to have a body fat % scale because i am gaining lean muscle along with loosing some of my fat.

    Otherwise my wieght does this alot it seems.

    Other questions,
    Are you getting most of your calories from carbs or sugars?
    Are you just bloated from some water weight? (this is common in women)
    Are you not eating enough?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    well...try http://www.freetrainers.com/ to get some routine ideas...maybe eat a little more...i'm not sure why you'd just stop
  • You may be gaining muscle. Remember muscle weighs more than fat and if you are doing any weight training, which includes Yoga, pilates, etc... you are building muscle. Even running, you are building leg muscle. I have been trying to rely on my inches lost rather than pounds lost. Keep it up!
  • I agree, it's probably due to you gaining muscle if you're working out 5 days a week.

    I hit a very similar problem last week... 7 weeks in, stayed under my calorie goal every day, lost every week for the first 6 weeks then I put half a pound on. I was incredibly disappointed! Decided not to let it get me down though... I've had to start wearing a belt with my favourite jeans as they have started to fall down! Plus work colleagues have been commenting on how much difference they can see, so it must be working :)

    Don't get too hung up on your weight, look at your measurements and keep up the good work!
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