HRM – chest strap/no chest strap?

My HRM just went to crap on me today. I’m going to have to get a new one? I’m sure there is a form topic on this already but since I’m fairly new, I’m going to post this anyway.

What type of HRM do you have? Do you like it? Do you prefer chest strap or no chest strap? Is there one that’s not going to break the bank?
I had a Sportsline HRM from Target and it lasted me about 3 years.

Also…what are some good exercise challenges I can join in the forums? Any thoughts or opinions there? What’s your favorite challenge?

Thank you for your help and advice!


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I have sportsline w/ the chest strap. got it at walmart for 45.00 and having no issues with it. confusing at first to operate but once you figure it out, it's too easy lol
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I have a sportsline and it's fine so far I really like it, but I've also had Polar's in the past and they are great. Definitely a chest strap if you want to keep a very accurate count of your HR throughout exercise. Unless someone points out otherwise, all the strapless ones I've seen you have to touch for a few seconds to get your heart rate, so you don't really know what the average is and can't really get an accurate calorie burn count.
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Polar F4 w/chest strap. I have had it since 2004, with only needing to change the batter in the watch twice. Easy to use and tracks everything I need. Chest strap is no bother!
  • Fineraziel
    I have the F6 Polar with chest strap. I love it! :) No issues yet.