Pride in weight loss

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
You know, I keep hearing people congratulating me on my weight loss and telling me that I'm so strong and they could never do it, that loose skin isn't a big deal, it just shows what you've achieved etc... but I don't feel that way at all. I see my loose skin as a price to pay for letting myself go all those years, and I'm not particularly proud that I merely fixed the situation.

Is it weird? Or is it just because I know how easy it is to slip back and I don't want to jinx myself by pretending that I'm so strong when really I'm not?


  • theJTfitness
    theJTfitness Posts: 142 Member
    I think you have to strike a balance somewhere. It is very easy to slip back into a lifestyle so congrats on not wanting to rest on your laurels. You're strong. Trust me. You've got an 80lb loss on your ticker to prove it. I think you've got this thing under control.

    I wouldn't worry about loose skin. It's 100x's better than it being fat. I know that's almost exactly what you said in your post, but that's how I feel!
  • oliviaohair
    oliviaohair Posts: 27 Member
    I do think you "fixed the situation." Think about a person addicted to tobacco. They are under the control of a huge addiction, that urge decides their life for them. Everything they do is affected by that one thing they cannot seem to overpower. It's the same with someone addicted to money, sex, success, vanity, obesity, drugs, etc. Everyone has their downfall at one point in their life. Everyone eventually has something that will try to grab your life and quickly slam it down to rock bottom. However, truly special people not only see that this horrible habit is altering their entire life, but through the all the negativity, they are able to see a tiny glimmer of hope. For once, they start to think that maybe they don't have to play the part they've been cast, that maybe they can change their own destiny. Those same people grab onto that hope and don't let go. It's not easy, but they sacrifice, they work, they struggle, and they fight for that change. They no longer allow something or someone else to control them. They "fixed the situation."

    Please realize how much strength it takes to pull yourself up out of misery and become a stronger, happier you. You were strong enough to fix a really difficult situation. Don't ever take that for granted or sell yourself short. You did something many people dream of doing, but a lot of them are not strong enough to pull themselves out. You made it, so please, celebrate it! :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    You know, I keep hearing people congratulating me on my weight loss and telling me that I'm so strong and they could never do it, that loose skin isn't a big deal, it just shows what you've achieved etc... but I don't feel that way at all. I see my loose skin as a price to pay for letting myself go all those years, and I'm not particularly proud that I merely fixed the situation.

    Is it weird? Or is it just because I know how easy it is to slip back and I don't want to jinx myself by pretending that I'm so strong when really I'm not?

    I can relate to this, absolutely. I also feel a weird bitterness sometimes that other accomplishments in life I am much prouder of (and worked even harder to achieve) are less valued and recognized. But that's society, I think, more than just the individuals who praise weight loss...and improving one's health IS a valid accomplishment, too!
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    At my biggest I was over 16 stone I also gave birth to a 11lb 1oz baby and my body shows signs of this, I don't like my lower stomach at all and I've got bingo wings on my arms and recently realized I have the equivalent on my inner thigh ???? ???? ????

    People say you done so well, you look so good now, well yes I have but sometimes I feel like a fraud because of these bits of me, this is why I'm working with my dumbells, I figured I have to try my best to try and look my best, if I've done all I can I hope I can learn to be totally proud of myself.