Not eating enough calories?



  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    I'm not trying to starve myself, I really just get full fast. Eating a lot makes me sick. Always been a problem. Thanks!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Wow! everyone is so great!

    I'm not TRYING to under eat or anything. I just eat my fill and I guess that's not a lot. My recommended intake is 1200. I eat around 900.

    I'm not trying to lose too much weight, mostly just fat, and build muscle. I've gotten soft.

    To do that, you need to increase your intake and lift weights.
    I'm not trying to starve myself, I really just get full fast. Eating a lot makes me sick. Always been a problem. Thanks!
    Could it be what you are eating bothering you? Rather then the amount? I get an upset tummy after eating poor quality cuts of red meat and high sugary or greasy foods. It might be beneficial for you to investigate why you feel that way and if it's caused by certain foods rather then just the amount.

    ETA: you need to hit quote, not just reply. Hard to follow a conversation if we don't know what /whoyou are responding too.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    I'm not losing very much. I've lost about 10lbs over the course of 2 months or so.
  • tonimarie28
    I agree completely. and by no means am i starving. I gained all my weight back by NOT watching my calorie intake and eating what i wanted when i was bored, sad, angry, etc. not not actually hungry. If i had been living off under 900 calories a day for a year, or even six months-then i suppose i wouldn't have a weight issue. I just started logging my food diary a week ago. and by watching my calories, my stomach has shrunk which will make anyone eat less (not due to wanting to starve-who likes to do that anyways?) I'm 5'2 small frame and do not have the metabolism of a man.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Fat loss. What should I eat if not veggies? I cant do meat, makes me sick.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    It's a lot if you hate eggs. Lol.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Did I ever mention you specifically? No. Stop being a keyboard warrior & learn to read and comprehend.

    If AN INDIVIDUAL (not targeting you, don't cry on us now) has depression, anxiety, etc. and comes to MFP forums instead of asking a trained professional first.... then yes. That person or persons should be legally classified as an idiot.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    I actually gained my weight because I was injured and couldn't walk for a very long time. I mean, I gained, but not a lot. I most am trying to get rid of a little extra fat and gain back my muscle.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Wow! everyone is so great!

    I'm not TRYING to under eat or anything. I just eat my fill and I guess that's not a lot. My recommended intake is 1200. I eat around 900.

    I'm not trying to lose too much weight, mostly just fat, and build muscle. I've gotten soft.

    To do that, you need to increase your intake and lift weights.
    I'm not trying to starve myself, I really just get full fast. Eating a lot makes me sick. Always been a problem. Thanks!
    Could it be what you are eating bothering you? Rather then the amount? I get an upset tummy after eating poor quality cuts of red meat and high sugary or greasy foods. It might be beneficial for you to investigate why you feel that way and if it's caused by certain foods rather then just the amount.

    ETA: you need to hit quote, not just reply. Hard to follow a conversation if we don't know what /whoyou are responding too.

    HAHA thanks! Its my first time posting and I was about to ask for help!

    I've been to a tummy doc about the things I eat thinking I may have food allergies. We're still trying to pin it down. That's why I stick with steamed veggies.
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    It sounds like you need more balance. Every meal should consist of a lean protein, quality carbs and healthy fat. Add some chicken or salmon and an olive oil vinegrette to your lunch vegetables. Add a fruit to your breakfast. Sounds like you're already eating what I call mini meals, so if that's all you're eating in a sitting consider eating more often. I eat 5-6 mini meals per day.

    My stomach doesnt do well with meat. Where else can I get protein?
    I can do the fruit, thanks!
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    How did you end up in a position to need to lose weight if you are having trouble eating over 900 calories? Same question for the person above me

    LOL... I'm wondering the same. I'm amazed at the mentality of starving yourself to lose weight.


    I'm in the same position and posted for help elsewhere.

    It's incredibly short sighted to think that a person must be starving themselves if they can't meet their calorie goals, and that the reason they are overweight is because they shoved their faces full every day.

    My weight gain was a direct side effect of three things: Severe Depression. Moderate to Severe Anxiety. Severe Sleep Deprivation. For six years. I never fully recovered my body or weight (or my mind) after having my kids because of the above things.

    Now I'm under medical care for both of the above and I'm losing weight. I have very little appetite but I'm trying very, very hard to meet my calories. Some of the medication impacts my appetite and some of it is mental - in that I'm FINALLY focusing on myself and making my health a priority. I've changed the WAY I eat, and I stay fuller, longer.

    So the assumptions? Unnecessary if you're genuinely trying to help someone.

    OP - try to get some fun snacks to have on hand at all times. I have cucumbers, cheese, tomatoes, carrots, hard boiled eggs, watermelon, apples, grapes, strawberries, pirate's booty (yum) and Special K protein bars (double yum). I take time every Sunday to chop/peel/cook things I like to munch on. Even if I'm not super hungry, I try to grab a handful of something to keep by my side.

    I also use Whey Protein Powder for a shake (I use chocolate flavored powder, iced coffee and kale - so yum).

    Good luck. You're not alone.

    It's extremely idiotic to come on MFP forums asking for advice from random people when one has / or might have medical issues.

    If someone can't meet at least 1000 calories, they are purposely starving themselves.... period. There's no way in HELL you can not meet 1k calories without purposely NOT trying. And I don't believe that ****, "I'm just not hungry". If you wake up at 8am and go to bed at 11 pm.... there's more than ample room to fit in 1k calories.

    Marty you don't gotta come in here being a jerk, I appreciate your advice, but you don't gotta be so harsh to people. If anyone was starving them self why would they even bother getting on here?
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Wow! everyone is so great!

    I'm not TRYING to under eat or anything. I just eat my fill and I guess that's not a lot. My recommended intake is 1200. I eat around 900.

    I'm not trying to lose too much weight, mostly just fat, and build muscle. I've gotten soft.

    Sorry, you will not be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. And especially not on 900 calories a day. It's never going to happen. Ever.

    Lol, then what do you suggest? I need to eat more, I see that. Any other advice?
  • ksparkby
    ksparkby Posts: 28
    Wow! everyone is so great!

    I'm not TRYING to under eat or anything. I just eat my fill and I guess that's not a lot. My recommended intake is 1200. I eat around 900.

    I'm not trying to lose too much weight, mostly just fat, and build muscle. I've gotten soft.

    Sorry, you will not be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. And especially not on 900 calories a day. It's never going to happen. Ever.

    Lol, then what do you suggest? I need to eat more, I see that. Any other advice?

    Eat enough food to take get you caloric intake while maintaining a reasonable deficit.
    Target protein and minimums
    Fill the remaining calories with whatever macro distribution works for you
    Lift weight on a beginner barbell program in progressive overload while hitting protein intake in order to preserve as much lbm as possible

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Fat loss. What should I eat if not veggies? I cant do meat, makes me sick.

    Veggies are good, just eat other things too. You need protein and fat. If you can't eat meat and don't like eggs much, try beans and dairy and maybe protein powder if that works for you. Also probably tofu if you like it. I'd actually suggest finding one of the vegetarian groups here and asking about protein sources. There's also plenty of room for stuff like peanut butter, nuts, whole grains, potatoes and sweet potatoes, etc., depending on what you like. And fruit. And you can use oil or even butter to cook your veggies.

    Given how much you have to lose (not a huge number, I mean) 5 lbs/month is good progress.

    Weight training is a good thing--there are some threads in the Fitness section and you might want to find and read the Eat, Train, Progress group.
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    I think people often get hung up on the phrase "starving," mostly because they don't feel hungry so they cannot possibly be starving. Even if you don't feel hungry, on 900 calories a day, there is no way that you're managing to hit the minimums that your body needs to function, i.e. vitamins and minerals. So, in that way, you actually are starving your body without ever feeling hungry.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Did I ever mention you specifically? No. Stop being a keyboard warrior & learn to read and comprehend.

    If AN INDIVIDUAL (not targeting you, don't cry on us now) has depression, anxiety, etc. and comes to MFP forums instead of asking a trained professional first.... then yes. That person or persons should be legally classified as an idiot.

    You quoted my post with my specific personal information and commented on that situation - so YES, you were talking about me - and if you weren't, you need to learn how to use the internet. If someone says "I asked for help on here, and I'm being treated for medical issues" you cannot say "If you asked for help on here while having medical issues, you're idiotic" and pretend it's not directed at me. Don't be afraid - just own it.

    I'm not even a little bit interested in fighting with you. I'm was simply (ha) trying to address the people that could not possibly understand how a "fat" person could not feel hungry enough to meet their daily caloric goals, after managing to get themselves so fat to begin with. It's easy because a lot of the time there are extenuating circumstances involved.

    Anyway, carry on with your absolute knowledge that anyone struggling to eat must be a big, fat, liar. Next time I need help, I'll just come directly to you - you seem to have it all figured out!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member

    Where am I assuming anything? I was simply asking that people not make statements like "how could you not want to eat? You're already overweight, that's how you got there", or claiming that people are lying because they are having trouble reaching their calories goals.

    That is (and has been) my entire freaking point. Not to make assumptions about people or use your opinion as a statement of fact.

    And now I'm out. I don't like beating dead horses and such.