So frustrated! Does anyone have this problem??



  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    It's alright to vent. Thanks for opening up your diary. I have two flags: 1. Are you getting enough fruits and vegetables? Most days, it looks like you only get 1-2 servings. 2. Could you be overestimating your exercise burns? For example, a recumbent bike might say I burned 450 calories in 25 minutes, but I know that is very inaccurate.

    Hang in there. The time will pass either way; it may as well pass with you fighting the good fight each day.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Just some food for thought-

    The first thing I saw in your diary was coffee creamer. I just realized after a month this is what was sabotaging my diet! I used roughly a bottle a week. I was estimating two servings, two tablespoons, 50 calories, twice a day is 100 cals, right? Imagine my surprise when I saw there are 64 servings in the container!!! That's wayyyy more than I estimated, and it was cancelling out my deficit every day.

    Moral of the story- Measure everything.

    You also have NO fruits or vegetables other than your small greek salad. Get those 5 servings a day by swapping these out for the chips at lunch (save 200 calories). Do this for the pumpkin seeds and cookies as well.

    Instead of cereal for breakfast, get some protein in. Eggs, veggie sausage, greek yogurt are all great sources, and they will help keep you fuller for longer.
  • mereditheve
    mereditheve Posts: 142 Member
    Obviously log everything and make sure it's accurate. Or keep enough of a buffer by overestimating your caloric intake, so you know you're eating at a deficit.

    I would not define 30 minutes of cardio as "active" -- can you do more? Add in some push-ups, sit-ups, squats, anything to get moving throughout the day. Also, as another poster said, don't overestimate calories burned -- a mistake many people make.

    If that still doesn't work, cut calories a little bit more and/or include additional workouts in your routine.
  • tjen1990
    tjen1990 Posts: 1
    Hey Sonya!

    I know this response is a little late (I "re-made" my MyFitnessPal account today). Like many of the people said above, eating out is something you definitely need to avoid if possible. I ate out A LOT a few months ago (because I had college classes from 8 AM until 3:15 PM and my college was SURROUNDED by fast food places). It was very convenient and fast, but not healthy. So I started packing a lunch the night before or I would wake up early in the morning and pack one.

    It's important to know that losing around a pound, maybe two a week is healthy. You don't want to shed a crazy amount because it can have negative consequences. I looked at your food diary and noticed there were a lot of items that had high fructose corn syrup (which is what gets a lot of people). I'm going to school to be a registered dietitian and just took a class about nutrition and human development. IT CHANGED MY LIFE. Like someone else said, It's very important to always have fresh fruits and vegetables in one's diet (at least two of every color at every meal). Fruits and vegetables also provide an excellent amount of antioxidants, vitamins, necessary nutrients, etc. Like someone else stated, carbohydrates is very important. Contrary to popular belief, the energy we use comes from carbs, NOT protein.

    Though my food diary may not reveal it today (I pigged out today, I'll be honest), I usually eat healthier than it shows. It's important, if you are going by the nutrition label, to be very weary of anything that has 15% or more of a particular nutrient. If it's 20%, it's already too high. In terms of ingredients, my professor taught us that if sugar is one of the first three items (or if the ingredient list has more than 3 listed sugars, you probably want to stay away from it). I lost about 7 lbs since March and feel fantastic.

    You may not lose weight immediately, but focusing on nutrient content and not calorie content will benefit you in the long run. And, on days that you are unable to work out, it helps to walk those days. About 3-4 miles an hour is stated to be healthy if I recall (and my dogs absolutely love the long walks).

    I hope I was able to be of some help.