Starting over... AGAIN!!!

Why is it that when my brain is ready for my body to get moving and lose weight, my body isn't ready... or my body is ready to go, but my brain can't make my body get off the couch? When will they ever be in sync?? When will they finally agree with each other and work together to make it happen?

Let's face it - the whole weight loss thing is nothing but a mind game. You have to talk yourself into going to the gym or walking the neighborhood. You have to talk yourself into driving by the Dairy Queen instead of pulling into the drive-thru. You have to talk yourself into eating more veggies and less crap. For some people it's really easy. For me... it's been a 25 year long journey to get from "holy crap, I'm 185 lbs!!" to "holy crap, I'm 312 lbs!"... 25 years of knowing exactly what I have to do to change it, but for whatever reason, I just can't seem to make it happen.

What is it going to take? A heart attack? A car accident where they have to use the "jaws of life" to wedge my fat @ss out of the car instead of just opening the car door to get me out? Or will it be some completely embarrassing, demoralizing moment where I sit down in a chair and it falls apart right under me, right there in front of a group of coworkers or during a job interview? I don't know what it will take. My father had his first heart attack at 42 years old. I'm now 46. "Dodged that bullet!", my brain said to my body. My father later died of complications from diabetes, heart failure, and a laundry list of other symptoms at the ripe old age of 61. "Well, we have plenty of time before we have to worry about that!", my brain says to my body, as my body absorbs the sausage biscuit and Pepsi I had for breakfast on the way into work. Seriously??!!!

So... I'm coming back here... again... because I have to do something. Anything. And I need all of the support I can get. The awesome thing about this website is that you guys are all on here for the exact. same. reason. I want to be "friends" with every single one of you, unless you're one of those people who only have 5 lbs to lose. Frankly, I just want to poke your eyes out with a shrimp fork. Then again, it's all the same struggle, isn't it? So whether it's 5 lbs or 500 lbs, it's still important to us and we still have to support each other through the journey. So... I take back the shrimp fork comment, although I reserve the right to still say it in my head while being your biggest cheerleader on the outside. Because I know that you will congratulate me pound for pound, and you'll keep your "dang, what a heffer" thoughts in your head while being my biggest cheerleader on the outside. Thank you for that.

Ok - enough ranting. Enough of the pity party. Big girl panties pulled up, and all of those other ridiculous cliche's that get us through the day.

I'm going to go log in my sausage biscuit and Pepsi now. The good news is that I didn't eat the full serving of fries that came with that awesome combo... so, I'll get to document that I only had 3/4 of a serving!! Yay for me!!

Baby steps, right?


  • KierstenBoBiersten
    KierstenBoBiersten Posts: 10 Member
    Oh I just love this.
    I'd love to be your friend :)
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    I'm in if you are!! Something's gotta give!!! :)
  • Brilliant post, fair play to you. If at first you don't succeed... and all that :)

    Keep it up :)
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Loved this post! I haven't posted yet, and quite frankly, you drew me out from the shadows. I can empathize. Many things you stated, I have felt as well. The older we get, the more important we realize how staying physically healthy has an impact on our quality of life.

    I'm cheering you on...with abandon. :happy:
  • Tattoogrammie
    Tattoogrammie Posts: 15 Member
    Me too ... been there ... done that. Again and again and again and again. We can do this!! It took me so many tries to quit smoking that I've lost count but it finally worked. I'm taking a lesson from that with weight loss. Just keep trying and eventually it will work!!! I'm sending out a friend request now. :flowerforyou:
  • ericad410
    ericad410 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand 100% It is a total mind game. I also find myself trying to get both my mind and body to be on one accord, but it is a struggle. For myself, I did not realize I was getting bigger... bigger... and bigger! I would wear sweats most of the time because I hate shopping, especially since nothing ever fits right ( I'm 5'1 plus size). So anyway what I have done is decided this was the last time I will start over. When you feel like quitting remember WHY you started working out and eating better. I don't know about you, but my knees hurt from the weight I put on!

    When my sister was in elementary school our dad had to have a conference with her teacher. He sat in the chair and yes it broke underneath him. He was so embarrassed. That was what motivated him. He started at 410lbs and is now down maybe 150ish labs. He isn't slim but he has made progress. Don't allow something embarrassing to happen to prompt you to lose weight.

    Why I am starting over now, well my boyfriend took me to a couples retreat and mirrors were everywhere. I finally saw what I looked like and I wanted to cry. I was not pleased. Not only that, I want to someday have children and I do not want weight to be a factor in me getting pregnant or not being able to have enough energy to chase my children.

    My goal is not to be skinny, not to be the size I was in high school or college, but to feel good and look good. Just keep pushing if you mess up remember you are human. Get back on track and don't beat yourself up about it. It took us both all of our lives to develop our eating habits and routines so it won't change overnight.

    As you said...babysteps :)
  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    My breaking point was three things happened in the space of a week. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I wasn't sleeping properly and felt exhausted all the time and that kept me feeling unable to cope with life's stresses (so I ate them), and when I heard some teenagers laughing and whispering very loudly that me and my bouyfriend looked like Supersize and Superskinny like the TV programme. (He's very slim). It really crushed me. 3 years on and I have kept off the 4.5 stone (from 17.5 stone to 13 stone - I am 5ft 8) - and am working at slowly losing a little bit more in time for my wedding to said boyfriend in Aug. I hope to lose a further stone. I've got a little over 3 months.... but if don't make it to 12 it's not the end of the world, I will still be fitter, slimmer and healthier.

    Sometimes you do have to hit rock bottom before you can get back up in a different direction - and you can start by making small changes every day that become a new habit. If you realise that you can never "go back" to how you used to eat, that you have to make permanent changes that become your new regimen and you've made some rules (just for you) that you use to help you make decisions in supermarkets and when eating out you'll have a fighting chance. You don't have exclude the things you like - you just need to eat less of them and if you are eating emotionally, so an activity that makes you happy instead of trying to eat away the feeling.....

    I'm walking proff that this can be done - you ARE worth it - and WHY NOT YOU?

    good luck all!
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Sending a friend request now...your post caught my eye this morning...mostly because this is the first time I've been back in 4 months and of course I've gained back most of what I lost...I know I can lose it again with the help of my friends here...I too am not getting any younger or healthier unless I DO something about getting healthier at least... lets get going in the right direction again!
  • twinsmom1117
    twinsmom1117 Posts: 27 Member
    I love your post and can totally relate...story of my life...ugh!! My weight has been a life long struggle and I though I finally overcame if after I had my 4 year old twins. I gained 70 lbs while pregnant and lost 90 lbs afterwards. Over the past 2 years I have gained 40 of it back...WHAT??!! I am trying to get back on I don't have to keep doing this over and over. I would love to be your friend! :-)
  • THEmrsmurphy
    THEmrsmurphy Posts: 8 Member
    I start over EVERY MONDAY!! Messed up Tuesday.... and now today is Wednesday... need help and fitpal buddies! Starting again over again... today! Please add me if you are need support and motivation like I do!
  • THEmrsmurphy
    THEmrsmurphy Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I am back again using my fitpal app but this time I decided I need fitpal friends!

    I made it half way thru my weight loss... started feeling comfortable and deprived and started eating again... 5 pounds crept up.... soon it will all be back if I do not stop now!

    I am starting today and decided to look on the page here for friends that would help me and motivate me! I will do the same for you! I really would love fitpal friends that we can motivate and support each other!

    Please add me as a friend if you think we can help each other! I want to be healthy and look great which will help every aspect of my life. Let's face it... overweight people get judged, picked last or not at all, overlooked... I do not want to be fat anymore!
  • I can relate to about 98% of this. I'm adding you. :)
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    Wow... I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes!! Maybe THIS will be the flip of the switch... THANK YOU !!!! :)
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    My breaking point was three things happened in the space of a week. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, I wasn't sleeping properly and felt exhausted all the time and that kept me feeling unable to cope with life's stresses (so I ate them), and when I heard some teenagers laughing and whispering very loudly that me and my bouyfriend looked like Supersize and Superskinny like the TV programme. (He's very slim). It really crushed me. 3 years on and I have kept off the 4.5 stone (from 17.5 stone to 13 stone - I am 5ft 8) - and am working at slowly losing a little bit more in time for my wedding to said boyfriend in Aug. I hope to lose a further stone. I've got a little over 3 months.... but if don't make it to 12 it's not the end of the world, I will still be fitter, slimmer and healthier.

    Sometimes you do have to hit rock bottom before you can get back up in a different direction - and you can start by making small changes every day that become a new habit. If you realise that you can never "go back" to how you used to eat, that you have to make permanent changes that become your new regimen and you've made some rules (just for you) that you use to help you make decisions in supermarkets and when eating out you'll have a fighting chance. You don't have exclude the things you like - you just need to eat less of them and if you are eating emotionally, so an activity that makes you happy instead of trying to eat away the feeling.....

    I'm walking proff that this can be done - you ARE worth it - and WHY NOT YOU?

    good luck all!

    I CAN'T WAIT till my partner and I can get married!!! Here in the US, things are a little behind the times. Congrats to you and your boy... many many happy years together!! :)
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    I can relate to about 98% of this. I'm adding you. :)

    YAY !!!
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! I am back again using my fitpal app but this time I decided I need fitpal friends!

    I made it half way thru my weight loss... started feeling comfortable and deprived and started eating again... 5 pounds crept up.... soon it will all be back if I do not stop now!

    I am starting today and decided to look on the page here for friends that would help me and motivate me! I will do the same for you! I really would love fitpal friends that we can motivate and support each other!

    Please add me as a friend if you think we can help each other! I want to be healthy and look great which will help every aspect of my life. Let's face it... overweight people get judged, picked last or not at all, overlooked... I do not want to be fat anymore!

    GIRL !!! It's on !! Let's do this !!!
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member

    Wow!! That's awesome!! Thanks for taking the time to put this information together for me... :)
  • sharonmcweenie
    sharonmcweenie Posts: 14 Member
    YOU are awesome!!! Thanks for your note... we'll get through this, my friend!! :)
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    Welcome back to your journey of renewing yourself. You are so important and you are making yourself important in your life! BRAVO!!!!