
SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
Are any of you survivalists or preppers? What kind experiences have you had? What's your best tool(s)? Any noteworthy experiences?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Lol, my cousin is into that ****. Part of the reason he has a small arsenal. And he bought this too.



    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Oh wow, that's badass! Get your cousin up on these forums so we can get all geeked out with gear!
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    no but my dad & grandpa are

    my grandpa just bought a farm in the middle of nowhere to keep on the side for when the world goes to hell ..huge garden/ massive amounts of land whatever with a huge fence around it looooool with a warehouse on it filled with nonperishable and water and other various supplies and also he has a bunch of inventions like his own source of electricity that he made himself i think a wind mill type thing and back up generators and who the hell knows

    he lives in the city but figured he needed a safe haven just in case of zombies and whatever you know

    my dad is def a survivalist he did a thing where he went up to northern ontario and survived on very little in the middle of no where on a rock in a lake for two weeks...for fun

    people wonder why im weird as hell
  • chelseafisher5648
    chelseafisher5648 Posts: 60 Member
    I believe in being as self sufficient as possible or prepared in case we had to survive without society providing but I also believe in living a normal life. So with that being said I can food from my garden an plan to have enough fruits and veggies, salsa, pie filling, spaghetti sauce ect canned to last until next years garden this is also healthy foods and saves my family money since having regular fresh veggies and fruits are expensive. I also plan to invest in a wood burning stove which will help with the cost on propane through winter and provide heat an way to cook if anything ever were to happen. I do have guns mostly for hunting and believe in having extra ammo for any situation to keep my family safe or provide food. I would like to eventually own my own home and then I will have chickens, rabbits, ducks,and a goat or two to provide meat and milk, an eggs with little cost to feed since they can be feed with grass, wild forage and supplements from garden. I also belong to a homesteader site and print out anything that I may find useful and store in a binder- medicines made from plants, recipes, different ways to trap, purify water, get rid of waste ect
    I would also like to be able to invest in a green house and solar pan els down the road. This all sounds like prep stuff which it is an I find comfort knowing we could survive without anyone else but all the also saves us money an lowers bills in the long run
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Depends on how you define "prepper". We've got about three solid months of food and enough gear that, with a few hours warning, can set up pretty much anywhere we need to and live.
  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    More of a prepper then a survivalist.
    My Jeep is to the point where I can get my family anywhere I need to (fuel permitting).
    I have about 6 months of food stored and plenty of fishing equipment. I live close enough (walking distance) to the ocean to assume seafood as a viable option for food.
    While I don't have a multitude of firearms, the ones I do have are well maintained and I have WAY too much ammunition for them.
    I decided that "bugging out" is not a very good option for me. It would take me 6 hours just to get out of Florida and that is assuming there are no traffic jams.
    If I am going to stay, I am going to make sure I am good to go in my own house.
    I am in the beginning stages of creating a box garden for veggies and spices.
    My sprinkler system runs off of a well so it is easy to hook a hand pump to it in order to get fresh water.
    I am not in the middle of the boonies but, I am not really in the "city" either.

    During the last series of hurricanes, we were without power for several weeks. That was a real attention getter. People get kind of crazy and there were several instances of lootings and thefts. Saying "Good Morining" to a stranger in your neighborhood while holding a shotgun makes a potantial looter think twice. The police are worthless in this kind of a situation as they are overwhelemed with other problems.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    I am to an extent. I've always had a bugout bag. I keep a case of MREs and I have a weapons and ammo stash that would give Obama the sh*ts.
  • Operation_Shred
    I am to an extent. I've always had a bugout bag. I keep a case of MREs and I have a weapons and ammo stash that would give Obama the sh*ts.

    If Cuomo/Obama found out about my stashes I'm pretty sure I'd either be arrested or deported.
  • amwbox
    amwbox Posts: 576 Member
    Pretty sure Obama couldn't care less.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Tee hee hee Syxx!

    We do it, stashing bottled water, canned food, guns, ammo, using the HAM radio, we're even getting carrier pigeons!
  • SlightlyMadman
    SlightlyMadman Posts: 35 Member
    I wouldn't call myself a "prepper" or anything but I live on the coast so I have a shelter set up with food & water for a couple weeks in case of hurricane or blizzard. It's fun to think about zombies and the like though, and if it helps motivate people to be prepared for more realistic scenarios then it's a good thing.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    i live in southwestern ontario, its pretty much useless to be into that kind of stuff here for anything other than a hobby. edible vegetation and wildlife is so abundant in our backyards that you would have to know next to nothing to really need anything more than a knife and a little bit of rope or fishing line
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
  • Follow_me
    Follow_me Posts: 6,120 Member
    I was required to have a bug out bag while I was in the military. I still maintain one. After Hurricane Katrina, I learned the importance of having a back up food supply, extra gasoline/propane and charcoal. I also have a few weapons with plenty of ammo for food and or personal protection.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member

    My thoughts too.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Pretty sure Obama couldn't care less.

    Somebody clearly hasn't attempted to buy .40 caliber rounds during a wholly manufactured "shortage".
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    My thoughts too.

  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Tee hee hee Syxx!

    We do it, stashing bottled water, canned food, guns, ammo, using the HAM radio, we're even getting carrier pigeons!

    Man I want carrier pidgeons! Maybe I could convince my parakeet to make herself useful.
  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    Tee hee hee Syxx!

    We do it, stashing bottled water, canned food, guns, ammo, using the HAM radio, we're even getting carrier pigeons!

    the carrier pigeons!! hahaha great!

    I am "emergency" prepared. stems from living on the "Hurricane" coast while growing up.
    Have Bug out Bags (BoBs) for everyone in the family. enough supplies in them to last 3-5 days. have extra supplies and a place "Alamo" if needed. you don't know what mother nature or our "beloved" gov't officials are going to do. better to be ready and able to save you and your family than waiting for a handout from someone who doesn't care about you.
  • Texusmc
    Texusmc Posts: 129 Member
    I was required to have a bug out bag while I was in the military. I still maintain one. After Hurricane Katrina, I learned the importance of having a back up food supply, extra gasoline/propane and charcoal. I also have a few weapons with plenty of ammo for food and or personal protection.

    ^^ this (except for Katrina) is why I do have mine