Tips, Hints, Tricks to Avoid Unplanned Eating?

Logging in today to hold myself accountable - how many of you struggle with "unplanned" stress eating? Did some of that yesterday, and although noting too outrageous, I don't like it. Does planning your food and writing it in here and making that commitment curb that entirely? Sooo that is the plan for TODAY is to write down and COMMIT in advance to everything that goes into my mouth today.....

Any other Tips, Hints, Tricks to offer on unplanned eating?


  • phofilled
    phofilled Posts: 22
    Planning and pre-logging absolutely helps me! It takes more work to think out what you will have for the day, but, it helps stop the "unplanned" eating.

    As for any other tip, I always have a guilt-free snack (or food) available at work and at home, when I feel the need to indulge OR go outside my calories, I grab a snack that I know I enjoy guilt-free. At that time you can at least, properly track, and not feel so bad about it later.

    "Fail to prepare, prepare to fail". :)
  • soxobsessed
    soxobsessed Posts: 130 Member
    I always keep healthy snacks near by, both at my house and work, especially work cause if I don't I hit up the candy machine if it is a rough day
  • swaggityswagbag
    swaggityswagbag Posts: 78 Member
    Be flexible. Pre-plan, leave a couple extra calories, and if you think there is something else you might want to eat, give yourself time and do not eat your next meal until you've decided whether or not you want to eat what you planned at the beginning or the day or whatever food came up. Plug the food in, see if it fits your macros/calorie goals. If it does and you'd rather have that than what you originally planned for, go ahead and switch it.

    I find I tend to overeat calories when I either didn't pre-plan or didn't leave any extra calories when pre-planning and already ate all my meals. Planning and flexibility is key.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I pre-cook and portion out all my meals at least three days in advance. I keep them in tupperware containers in the fridge and grab them on my way out the door to work. Never once have I been seriously tempted to deviate from my diet with this method.