Bodybuilders...need your help!!!



  • itodd4019
    itodd4019 Posts: 340 Member
    I know right!

    Here's a treat for the guys and gals! This chick rocks!
  • JeremyBenn
    JeremyBenn Posts: 30
    Im a competive bodybuilder. Training is important but food and rest mean more. First thing first you need to access your pyhsique and decide where you need the most work (size, muscular gains). Next design a protocol and regimne around this. For example, let say your offseason and you know sunday your going to be having a refeed or cheat meal, and lets say your legs are ur weakest bodypart. Train those monday as your glcogen stores will be full and ready to pound out a good heavy workout monday. Heravy weight is relitive, there is no sense in pushing heavy weight if you cant feel the contraction in the muscle, this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. I can squat 750, deadlift 750, and bench 500.... do i use these weights in my training? NO bc its just not neccesary. wanna build muscle keep the muscle under constant tension.

    here is a good beginner routine

    chest/ shoulders

    you need a mix of these three things
    -heavy controlled weight but still feeling the muscle contract
    -compound movemnet
    - volume sets so u can help trap growth hormones in the muscle
  • squatsAlot
    squatsAlot Posts: 16
    Im a competive bodybuilder. Training is important but food and rest mean more. First thing first you need to access your pyhsique and decide where you need the most work (size, muscular gains). Next design a protocol and regimne around this. For example, let say your offseason and you know sunday your going to be having a refeed or cheat meal, and lets say your legs are ur weakest bodypart. Train those monday as your glcogen stores will be full and ready to pound out a good heavy workout monday. Heravy weight is relitive, there is no sense in pushing heavy weight if you cant feel the contraction in the muscle, this is bodybuilding not powerlifting. I can squat 750, deadlift 750, and bench 500.... do i use these weights in my training? NO bc its just not neccesary. wanna build muscle keep the muscle under constant tension.

    here is a good beginner routine

    chest/ shoulders

    you need a mix of these three things
    -heavy controlled weight but still feeling the muscle contract
    -compound movemnet
    - volume sets so u can help trap growth hormones in the muscle
    Thanks! I will print this and incorporate!
  • squatsAlot
    squatsAlot Posts: 16
    Drop weight and focus on engaging the muscle you are supposed to be working with each exercise, then build from there with tempo and more weight.. Plyometric exercises, cardio, lots of water, more cardio and super clean eating.

    Good Luck
  • greentart
    greentart Posts: 411 Member
    Check out Nerd Fitness. They gave me a lot of information about weightlifting that I was completely clueless about. They also have different programs, depending on what you're looking to do.

    Plus, it's a nerdy take on exercise. Gotta love that.
  • squatsAlot
    squatsAlot Posts: 16
    Ps you have an incredible body already! What I wouldn't give for a butt like that!

    Ya, just my goal booty pic, I also would die for that butt...and I'm gonna die trying

    Don't you feel a bit uncomfortable posting up a profile pic of someone that's not you? Then asking advice how to improve your body knowing everyone is looking at it and wondering how to help.


    Um nope, people use motivational pics all the time and pretty sure I included in my height/weight and general fitness level to give an idea of where I'm starting at. Asking for me and a friend (did not include her pic so maybe its super bizaaaaaare), just looking for a general starting routine.
  • squatsAlot
    squatsAlot Posts: 16
    Check out Nerd Fitness. They gave me a lot of information about weightlifting that I was completely clueless about. They also have different programs, depending on what you're looking to do.

    Plus, it's a nerdy take on exercise. Gotta love that.
    Totally will, thanks!
  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    Ps you have an incredible body already! What I wouldn't give for a butt like that!

    Ya, just my goal booty pic, I also would die for that butt...and I'm gonna die trying

    Don't you feel a bit uncomfortable posting up a profile pic of someone that's not you? Then asking advice how to improve your body knowing everyone is looking at it and wondering how to help.


    Edit to add if you're 5'4" 120-130 you're going to have to cut first, probably 5-10lb fat. That body is about 16-18% and very youthful.
    Keep squatting the whole way through your cut. Then do a clean(accurate) bulk after, then.....phew....cut again.

    Good luck.

    Chickentuna (the woman in the photo) is 39, IIRC. She's just in ridiculous shape.

    *Edit, nope-- she's 46, if this page is correct. Wow, that's amazing.
  • squatsAlot
    squatsAlot Posts: 16
    Ps you have an incredible body already! What I wouldn't give for a butt like that!

    Ya, just my goal booty pic, I also would die for that butt...and I'm gonna die trying

    Don't you feel a bit uncomfortable posting up a profile pic of someone that's not you? Then asking advice how to improve your body knowing everyone is looking at it and wondering how to help.


    Edit to add if you're 5'4" 120-130 you're going to have to cut first, probably 5-10lb fat. That body is about 16-18% and very youthful.
    Keep squatting the whole way through your cut. Then do a clean(accurate) bulk after, then.....phew....cut again.

    Good luck.

    Chickentuna (the woman in the photo) is 39, IIRC. She's just in ridiculous shape.

    *Edit, nope-- she's 46, if this page is correct. Wow, that's amazing.

    Holy cow, super not awkward now. I'm so glad this was my profile pic, cuz I'm doing whatever she does. Simple, consistent, wham bam hot damn! I agree...AH MAZIIIIING