Advise from the Experts!! :)

Ok - I am told I eat to little for the amount of exercise - I have lost a tremedous about of weight and have maintained most of it for 12 years now. In the past year or two I have been gaining - I started my wieght lost with WW so I am very into tracking and portion control. I can do better with portion control at times. I drink plenty of water at minium 8 glasses. I do workout alot sometimes twice a day just because that how is how my schedule allows. I track my HR with a Polar HRM monitor. I track everything that goes into my mouth - whether good or bad - I have changed my way of living - but I am concerned that the more wieght comes on that my Diabetes will come back on as well. So I really want to loss this weight. I have gained about 50 pounds in the last 3 years and now I can't seem to get it off. I am constantly told I don't eat enough. My Diary is open - any advise would be helpful. Thank you.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    If you lost most of your weight using WW you know even they say use a food scale...

    you don't.

    It all comes down to calories in vs calories out

    Your calories in are not correct
    Your calories out include mowing the lawn...something called nick???

    And your burns are pretty high...I know you indicate you use a HRM but that is for steady state cardio only...not sprints, not HIIT

    start weighing solids, measuring liquids, logging accurately choosing the correct entries start with that and if you are still not losing appropriately...check exercise calories.