Medication with primary side affect of weight gain

Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
Please may you help, I'm on medication which is associated with substantial and rapid weight gain. I have been taking it for a month and am gaining. The medication stimulates my appetite and interferes with the feeling of being full. If anyone has any tips or advice I'd be very grateful.
Thank you.


  • keobooks
    keobooks Posts: 92 Member
    Have you talked to your doctor about a weight neutral alternative medication? It can't hurt to ask. I was allergic to my alternative so I'm stuck with the same symptoms you have. I found drinking a full glass of water before I eat a meal or a snack helps quite a bit.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    When I was on prednisone I was hungry ALL THE TIME and fruits and vegetables just wouldn't fill me up. Be sure to have something on hand, get some frozen cooked chicken or veggie burgers and frozen veggies. Something reasonable you can fix in ten minutes or less so the hunger doesn't lead you to the drivethru (or whatever your weakness may be - mine was excessive cheese).

    Also check with your doc and any nurses at the practice regarding any alternate medications and/or any tips to help you curb the hunger. Especially the nurses, they always know all the tricks.

    Hope you feel better soon!
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    when i gained weight on my meds, i freaked out and quit taking all of them.

    in hindsight, it wasn't a great idea... however... i still feel it was the right one

    ask your doc about alternatives. they gave me certain meds that would ease my anxiety of weight gain because they knew about my ednos... (though even those meds were the ones that caused me to gain... luckily not a ton but enough to be noticeable)

    good luck and def let us know if anything changes :)
  • KettyLoyd
    KettyLoyd Posts: 51
    It is a serious concern for most of the people all over the world to gain weight by medication. Sometimes it has a bad impact on your health, like dizziness, feeling jittery, headache and many more. It also increase the risk of hypoglycemia for the diabetics patients.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    I need to keep taking the medication but I am concerned about diabetes and other problems associated with being overweight. Apparently there are no alternatives to the drugs I need. I'll be taking the medication for about 6 more months but I hope to minimise the damage. I'm trying to plan my meals so that I'm not wandering hungrily around my kitchen but I'm finding it tough!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Medication is a monster in terms of either causing weight gain or stalling weight loss. In my opinion, your best alternative is to have your doctor recommend a qualified dietitian who works with people in your situation to develop a meal plan that works with your medication. In addition, search the Groups section on MFP and online for support groups.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    I am on medication that causes weight-gain and makes it more difficult to lose weight. When I was on a med resulting in hunger I'd get sugar free peppermint life savers to suck on. The peppermint is an appetite suppressant. I have also found drinking water with about an 1/8 of a cup of Real Lemon - lemon juice.
  • Oxxygi
    Oxxygi Posts: 250 Member
    I was on significant dose of steroids some time ago, and I'm still having small dose of prednisone every morning...Yes, it contributed to weight gain, yes...I was desperate and didn't know what to I starved myself, then binged a lot...crazy time...what helped - hot tea...grazing on celery sticks....strong mint chewing gum.
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    Also had a similar situation with meds. Doctor recommended more exercise to offset the weight gain. I found that I ate more when I was at home so I structured my meals as best I could and got out of the house as much as possible. That helped me get away from the convenience of having food so close to me. I found a love for hiking and still prefer it to exercising at home or in a gym. I'd also go to the mall or library and just walk around browsing. The distractions helped me feel better emotionally while I was on the meds even though my weight loss was really slow and often non-existent. I'd also definitely take up the suggestion someone else made of asking your doctor about setting you up with a dietician who can help you get through this.
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you for all your comments and support. I am still struggling desperately. I have gained a stone and a half on the medication and I have lost my confidence to leave the house. I keep eating and eating and eating. I binge in the evenings particularly but I can't seem to stop. I feel I need help but I don't know where to turn.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Talk to your doctor. Let him/her know how you are feeling and that you are too upset about your weight gain to leave the house. I'm sure your doctor has seen this before, and can let you know what options you have.