Creative cardio workouts for someone with a wounded foot

Hey there! I'm currently trying to regrow healthy tissue on the bottom of my foot from a bout of frostbite. Thus, I've been off my feet for four months solid. I'm going insane! Any good recommendations for upper body cardio (or upper body plus left leg) workout that would help me feel the burn? (Not the frostburn . . . hahaha! Bad joke.)


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hey there! I'm currently trying to regrow healthy tissue on the bottom of my foot from a bout of frostbite. Thus, I've been off my feet for four months solid. I'm going insane! Any good recommendations for upper body cardio (or upper body plus left leg) workout that would help me feel the burn? (Not the frostburn . . . hahaha! Bad joke.)

    Chair workout?
  • booradleymo
    booradleymo Posts: 11 Member
    Awesome! This is exactly the type of thing I was looking for. But the only chair workouts I knew of were the ones my grandma used to do. hahaha!
  • wolf39us
    wolf39us Posts: 163 Member
    Depending on the severity of your wound, I would suggest something low impact... such as swimming!
  • booradleymo
    booradleymo Posts: 11 Member
    @wolf39us - Hopefully I can get back into swimming soon! The worst is almost over. :)