Weight going down after recovery....?

Hello all. I am 4 months into recovery and my weight at my highest reached 165 lb. Last month at my regularly schedule monthly doctor's appointment I was 165 lb. Flash forward a month and I am eating 1,400-3,000 (have eaten up to 5,000 some days, wow) and I got weighed today after a day of eating my meals, drinking 3 litres of water at 162. Obviously I was carrying some additional weight so my doctor actually estimated my weight more around 157 which was my Pre-ED weight. I am wondering why my weight is going down? I did go about 10 pounds over my Pre-ED weight so maybe my body is coming down after overshooting itself? Or is it just normal weight fluctuation?


  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Your metabolism could be coming back up. Did your doctor suggest a reason? I would go with what he/she says and stick to their plan - could be metabolism, could be water weight falling off from the initial gain, could be underestimating calories burned or overestimating calories eaten, could be normal fluctuation... so many factors.

    Good luck in your recovery :)