I keep getting hurt

So I started running about 2 months ago. After 2 weeks, starting to make some progress, and starting to enjoy myself, I hurt my knee doing lunges. I was very careful since I know I have bad knees and didn't run or do anything more strenuous than walking for one month. Once it was COMPLETELY healed and I felt 100% better I started running again last week. After running every other day for the last week, I strained my calf muscle. I have been stretching well before and after my runs, but have strained it so bad my muscle has been giving oUT on me and can't put hardly any weight on it. I have iced it for 20 minutes after hurting it. Any advice on how to stop hurting myself? I honestly feel like I'm not pushing myself too hard, I'm not running every day to give my muscles a rest, and stretching well. I'm never going to get anywhere if I keep hurting myself!


  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
    Maybe you should go to a doctor?
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    I honestly feel like I'm not pushing myself too hard,

    Do you follow a program or go off feel?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I don't run unless being chased by a bad guy and in fear for my life, due to bad knees. I do other activities instead that are also excellent cardio and leg strengtheners. My favorite for burning calories and getting my breathing and pulse moving is riding my bike. Bike riding is much easier on knees than running. I also enjoy yoga and walking. Good luck finding what works for you.
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I honestly feel like I'm not pushing myself too hard,

    Do you follow a program or go off feel?

    I'm curious about this as well. Every other day may be too much for a beginner. Make sure you're mixing it up with a light "long" jog one day and a quicker "short" jog the other. Even active rest days in which you walk insted of run may assist in getting those muscles used to the movements.
    Also - what are you doing to stretch? Make sure to do a dynamic warm up (think arm circles, march in place, butt kicks, trunk twists) and then your workout, then cool down (2-5 minute walk) before dynamic stretching (V-Sit, runners pose, quad stretching).
    If your injuries persist with this it may be time to see a doctor.
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Have you considered swimming and then getting slowly back into running or even doing some lifting? And more importantly - have you been to a running store and had a gait analysis/been fitted for shoes
  • getlean414
    getlean414 Posts: 27
    Do you take a multivitamin? Or any fish oil vitamins, Omega 3 and/or maybe potassium vitamins or lots of bananas :)? Maybe those could help your body to be more healthy. Drink plenty of water through out the day as well. I would see a doctor as well, it wouldn't hurt! Wishing you the best!
  • eapragar
    eapragar Posts: 15
    I go off of how I feel.
  • eapragar
    eapragar Posts: 15
    I do walk every day. I have a dog so if he doesn't get at least an hour walk every night I feel guilty and he is bouncing off the walls. I also do a five minute warm up and cool down. I mostly do static stretches before and after so I will definitely start doing more dynamic stretches before hand to get my muscles warmed up. Thanks for the advice.
  • SailorSarah311
    SailorSarah311 Posts: 172 Member
    I like to use athletic tape (found at most sports stores) when I run. It takes the place of a knee brace, and I get a better run with it on. Make sure you are running with a quality shoe as well. Bad support can cause problems else where. I would suggest stretching everyday...even if you aren't going for a jog. Keeping your muscles relaxed can help. For any pain issues soak in a bath tub with some epsom salt. Usually works for me.