When will progress show, is goal possible?

Hi! I recently started going to the gym everyday (I used to sit at home and watch Netflix 24/7, but I finally replaced that with the gym!). I'm 5'10" and weigh 187 pounds. I want to drop forty pounds by September. My gym routine is normally inclined speed walking for an hour, weight lifting (rotating between leg day and arm day everyday, with crunches everyday), than 30 minutes biking. I've been doing this for about two weeks now, and I was wondering when I will probably start seeing results! I drink nothing but water, am on a vegetarian diet and eat organic (started the organic like two weeks ago).

Is it possible for me to reach my goal keeping this up, or do I need to go more intense?


  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member

    So obviously if you eat fewer calories than you use you'll lose weight. Getting started with exercise, the losses are not going to be immediate. It takes time to learn to do them and how to push yourself. A lot of people are terrified of sweating in the gym so they take on sets that don't leave them breathless and exhausted.

    AFTER you feel like you understand the routines well enough to do them properly and safely (ask for a trainer to help for a day or two if in any doubt) then you really should be pushing the time you do exercise as hard as you can. It doesn't have to be more hours in there, just make the time you do spend as intense as you safely can. It should be work.

    The only other thing to consider is as a vegetarian you really want to make sure you are getting a rich blend of adequate protein. When I was a vegan I struggled especially hard with this. Couch sitting doesn't require much in the way of protein but moving around and tearing muscle fibers to build better strong ones absolutely does.

    Don't let the scale rule your life if you can avoid it. It's great to say you want to lose 40 pounds by September but all together better to just admit that you want to be healthy and active without tossing in a point of potential failure that might cause you to lose faith in being good to yourself.