Frustrated and Confused...Kinda

So I've been off and on here for many months, and REALLY started using it again the past 2 weeks, determined to stick to it by keeping motivated through new friends added on here (since we all basically have the same goals). I started using my treadmill this week to walk, and did a Zumba DVD as well. I was "bad" Wednesday cause I ate school lunch where I work (yuck), then my dad took the kids and me out to Chinese food for supper. On Thursday after work I did my usual end of the week cleaning and laundry, didn't hit the treadmill or anything like that. I weighed myself this morning and I've GAINED 3 pounds !!:noway: I would like to lose at least 10 pounds by Nov 19th, and possibly another 10 by Dec 17th...
So I'm sitting here wondering what I could do different. No Chinese food or school lunch obviously. A daily fast walk on my treadmill while jamming to tunes would be good. Eating less "bad" stuff, filling up on good stuff, sticking to a lot of water. Hmmm....So I guess when I'm back on MFP on Monday, I will begin the daily routine of being able to log in good foods, and daily exercise, and HOPEFULLY when I weigh-in next Friday I'll be able to say "Woo Hoo!!"
Anyone out there going through the same thing that wants to be cyber motivation people?? LOL:drinker:


  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I'm not a doctor but you said you ate a school lunch and you had Chinese food. You are retaining water. It doesn't take much water to show a big gain on the scale. It will go away soon. Also, consider using the exercise calorie counter to record housework.
  • Debx12345
    Debx12345 Posts: 210
    Hey, your just like me !! joined this site in august and put a pound on !!! Keep snacking on kids meals then wonder why I don't lose weight. lol. I do exercise each day, but half hearted. Think I get bored tracking same stuff each day and not seeing results. I NEED MOTIVATION. Lol. Add me a as a friend. :-)
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    You increased your exercise to a point that your body isn't used to. Your muscles are retaining water to allow them to heal. Don't freak out about 2 meals, that didn't add 3 pounds. It's quite normal. Keep at it and it will go away.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,631 Member
    I gained 2 pounds my first week of the program. I needed something to help me figure how many calories I was burning. I did buy an HRM calorie counter. It is fun to watch those calories burn and gives me a better idea of how my body works.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    So I've been off and on here for many months, and REALLY started using it again the past 2 weeks, determined to stick to it by keeping motivated through new friends added on here (since we all basically have the same goals). I started using my treadmill this week to walk, and did a Zumba DVD as well. I was "bad" Wednesday cause I ate school lunch where I work (yuck), then my dad took the kids and me out to Chinese food for supper. On Thursday after work I did my usual end of the week cleaning and laundry, didn't hit the treadmill or anything like that. I weighed myself this morning and I've GAINED 3 pounds !!:noway: I would like to lose at least 10 pounds by Nov 19th, and possibly another 10 by Dec 17th...
    So I'm sitting here wondering what I could do different. No Chinese food or school lunch obviously. A daily fast walk on my treadmill while jamming to tunes would be good. Eating less "bad" stuff, filling up on good stuff, sticking to a lot of water. Hmmm....So I guess when I'm back on MFP on Monday, I will begin the daily routine of being able to log in good foods, and daily exercise, and HOPEFULLY when I weigh-in next Friday I'll be able to say "Woo Hoo!!"
    Anyone out there going through the same thing that wants to be cyber motivation people?? LOL:drinker:

    My question is why are you waiting until Monday? I have found that attitude kills me and my diet. I have to reboot immediately!

    There is a UTurn thread floating around that I go back to when I am dismayed.

    I also think the 3 lbs will be gone once all the sodium lets loose!! :laugh:
  • raven5131
    Planning has been the key for me.Absolutely true the weight gain is probly water. Especially Chinese Food. The key for me is planning. Most of the time sticking to the plan helps me avoid temptation by having an alternative that fits my diet.
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    I noticed you said you have been off and on for months and only really being more focused these past 2 weeks... You can't expect to see a huge difference in 2 weeks. You need to get on board 100% and stay on board! Also don't be dissapointed if you don't lose 10 lbs this month.. that is a huge goal to have for someone just getting started. I also agree with "arewethereyet" , don't wait till monday.. you have a chance to eat really well these next 3 days and get in extra exercise so DO IT! don't wait!