Can eating too little calories stop you loosing weight?



  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    How have you not passed out?

    I limited myself to 900 calories a day for a couple of months and walked 3-6 miles a day and lost 18 pounds. THEN I hit the wall. I haven't lost in a month and now am readjusting to the 1200.
  • sas6575
    sas6575 Posts: 70
    Thank you everyone that replied, it has literally given me the kick up the rear I needed! I am now climbing up to the 1200 calorie mark and still walking 3 miles a day 5 days a week. I have had a bout of severe exhaustion this week - I think I've changed my mind set and attitude to food in the nick of time!
    Thanks again, I sincerely mean that xx
  • nicjane113
    This is a hazy subject. It's not as simple as eating under 1200 calories will stop you losing weight.
    We can see the effects of anorexia sufferers, they obviously deprive their bodies of calories and end up skin and bone so that hasn't stopped them losing weight. However, the medical problems that come with anorexia and other eating disorders shows that depriving our bodies of what they need is dangerous and not worth it!

    We are all different so the amount of calories I need may not be the same as you. 400 calories does seem very low though! I can eat that in one meal, nevermind one day! The question is, are you hungry? If you're hungry then it isn't a healthy way to be living.

    My aim is 1200 calories per day. Some days I can be under by 150 to 200 calories, other days I can be over. For me, I try to balance it out through the week.

    Losing weight should be about changing your eating habits permanantly, not depriving your body of calories to get a quick fix to weight loss. As soon as you start eating more, the weight will return!

    The way I see it, if we burn more calories than we consume, we should lose weight! So keep yourself active
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I'd never be able to eat so little calories. I used to have that mindset when I started in June and barely ate anything at all, even. Doing that eventually will just mess you up, plus you can start binging really bad. One way that has kept me sane and keeping my lifestyle change, is being able to eat 5 meals a day. I barely crave anything bad and I am satisfied.