Scale Addiction



  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    If weighing yourself 20 times a day keeps you on track then go for it. But if it effects you mentally then destroy it. I weigh my self every morning after I pee, I take my gown off and stand there naked and I have a calendar to record my daily weight. I am not obsessed about it. I would rather know it went up 2lbs so I can nick the problem in the bud. I measure my body all over every 6 weeks and thats what I love to see those inches dropping Yeah!!!!!!
  • brice02
    brice02 Posts: 64 Member
    I am an addict as well, I way myself every morning, however, Monday morning is the "official way in day" That makes me behave on the weekends..
  • mam734
    mam734 Posts: 21
    I'm also a scale addict and I've been hooked on my scale for the last 5 weeks. I weigh in each AM and sometimes in the PM. I have the withings scale that uploads your weight to your account on the withings site, so it's easy to track progress. Seeing the graph going down is part of what motivates me when I'm tempted to eat-up!