My journey has started - question

Hi guys, I'm a 17 years old male trying to lose weight. I currently weigh 111 kg (244 lbs) and I'm 1,94 M tall (6 feet 4). My BMR is currently 2400 calories per day so my plan is the following:

Eat 2000 calories per day and the rest of the calories I burn (3000 = 2400 (BMR) + 600 calories burned from exercises per day), that would be 1000 calories deficit per day (1000 calories x 7 days, 7000 calories so 2 lbs per week (1 kg per week). Sounds good? I currently plan to lose 8 kg during the upcoming 2 months first of all.


  • glenelliott5872
    glenelliott5872 Posts: 150 Member
    don't try to lose weight too quick 1 kg a week tops so 8 kg in 2 months is doable.

    If you do try to lose too fast then you can get demotivate, lose too much muscle, be at risk of developing gall bladder problems.

    So take it easy and if you find your deficit is too tough then cut to a more sustainable amount.

    remember 9 cal = 1 g of fat
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Hi guys, I'm a 17 years old male trying to lose weight. I currently weigh 111 kg (244 lbs) and I'm 1,94 M tall (6 feet 4). My BMR is currently 2400 calories per day so my plan is the following:

    Eat 2000 calories per day and the rest of the calories I burn (3000 = 2400 (BMR) + 600 calories burned from exercises per day), that would be 1000 calories deficit per day (1000 calories x 7 days, 7000 calories so 2 lbs per week (1 kg per week). Sounds good? I currently plan to lose 8 kg during the upcoming 2 months first of all.

    no, this is all wrong.

    BMR isn't how many calories you burn per day.

    Read this:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Sorry to say, that is a really bad plan.

    BMR is your Basal Metabolic Rate aka the # of calories needed just to support basic functions that keep you alive, as if you were in a coma (breathing, digestion, brain activity, etc). This is the minimum # of calories you should eat per day, not a figure to take a deficit from. Calculate your TDEE instead and take a reasonable deficit from that number (no more than 20%). Check out the comprehensive guide at the link below that will help you to set healthy and reasonable weight loss goals
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Hi guys, I'm a 17 years old male trying to lose weight. I currently weigh 111 kg (244 lbs) and I'm 1,94 M tall (6 feet 4). My BMR is currently 2400 calories per day so my plan is the following:

    Eat 2000 calories per day and the rest of the calories I burn (3000 = 2400 (BMR) + 600 calories burned from exercises per day), that would be 1000 calories deficit per day (1000 calories x 7 days, 7000 calories so 2 lbs per week (1 kg per week). Sounds good? I currently plan to lose 8 kg during the upcoming 2 months first of all.

    2400 calories is low, very low for your height, weight and age.
    BMR is not what you burn in a day hence your calculation is off - read and learn concrete facts - half of the things you will find around are a wide mix of bro science, someone told me that he read somewhere science and pure BS!

    Try, fail, try again, fail again try again, fail a little less!
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    remember 9 cal = 1 g of fat

    The point being?
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    aren't you too young to even be here
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    aren't you too young to even be here

    ... as long as we keep our clothes on he should be fine :laugh: