Confused - Skinny Fat and Toning

I have read so much about losing weight and toning I am now confused. I have read more than once you can't lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. It says you can't gain muscle at a calorie deficit. I am 5'4 1/2" and 130 and feel that I should weigh 115 or 120 and be toned. I have lost 11 lbs total and have toned up a bit but I read to really tone you should eat more and use heavy weights. I am doing more reps with light weights (free weights and body work) and doing cardio on those days also. A lot of squats and lunges too. Should I continue on this path and continue to lose and then work on toning??? Or can you tone and while you lose weight? I am not talking about bodybuilder bulking but don't want to be flabby. Help!!!


  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    there is no such thing as "toning", muscles can do two things, get bigger or smaller, the toned look is a result of low bodyfat which reveals the muscle, you should do heavy weights while in a caloric deficit and eating sufficient protein, this will make you maintain what little muscle you have while your body drops fat and you will become more "toned" as the muscle gets revealed, it is very hard to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time but possible if you are a complete beginner and not in a huge deficit, however you should focus on one at a time though, treat any muscle gained on a deficit as a bonus and don't expect it, also you should be lifting heavy weights (5-12 reps) not low weight high reps if you want to maintain muscle on a deficit.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    okay you can't "tone" muscles
    you can't build muscle at a deficet unless you are new to lifting or morbidly obese...

    resistence training or weight lifting are to help maintain the muscle you have while you are losing weight.

    to build muscle you need to be at a surplus of maintenance and doing a progressive load lifting program...high reps low weight doesn't cut it.

    I have lifted heavy weights (Stronglift program 5x5) for 8 out of the last 10 months...and yes lost weight...

    YOu wont get bulky either you are a takes a lot of steroids for a woman to get bulky.

    So if you want to do resistence training or a heavy lifting program go for it now...

    Here are a couple links
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    essentially you lift while losing weight to ensure that most of your loss comes from fat and very little from muscle so that at your goal weight you will have a lower BF% than you would have had you not lifted. You can also get stronger without gaining muscle by going this and conditioning the muscle you already have while strengthening your central nervous system.
  • litaf201
    litaf201 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I get it now and the reasoning behind it all. Sometime reading too much confuses you more!! Off to the gym to day for some heavy weights...if I have to start at 5 reps so be it.

    Couple more questions? What about abs? Also, what are some good quick proteins to eat...I am literally always on the go and try to not eat processed food as much as possible...I end up eating a lot of hard boiled eggs since they are quick and easy.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I get it now and the reasoning behind it all. Sometime reading too much confuses you more!! Off to the gym to day for some heavy weights...if I have to start at 5 reps so be it.

    Couple more questions? What about abs? Also, what are some good quick proteins to eat...I am literally always on the go and try to not eat processed food as much as possible...I end up eating a lot of hard boiled eggs since they are quick and easy.

    You start at 5 reps, and stay at 5 reps. You goal is to increase the weight you're lifting, not the amount of reps. Compound lifts are probably the best core work you can do, you don't really need to do workouts to target your abs.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks everyone, I think I get it now and the reasoning behind it all. Sometime reading too much confuses you more!! Off to the gym to day for some heavy weights...if I have to start at 5 reps so be it.

    Couple more questions? What about abs? Also, what are some good quick proteins to eat...I am literally always on the go and try to not eat processed food as much as possible...I end up eating a lot of hard boiled eggs since they are quick and easy.

    5 reps for 5 sets taking 90sec-5min breaks in between sets.

    Abs are worked doing the compound movements...

    I love greek yogurt for my quick protien, cheese, chicken, boiled diary is open feel free to take a look.
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    If you're new to a heavy lifting program, I'd greatly recommend you get the Starting Strength book. It has the 3x5 program (which Stronglifts ripped off for the most part). But, most importantly, it discusses in great detail the importance of form -- to maximize your progress and avoid injury. Because when you get up to the heavier weights, if your form is off, you can really hurt yourself.