water weight, wtf?



  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I think it's helpful to know when I'm carrying extra water weight, and when I've stagnated because I have been less diligent. Then again, I am one of those weigh-every-day people who wants as much data as possible.

    I weigh almost every day, too. This way, I can see what is temporary water gain and what is real gain or loss. What if I weighed just once a week? How would I know that this 1-lb gain is because of the Chinese dinner I had last night?

    I have also noticed temporary gains after starting a new workout. It seems a small gain corresponds to a new muscle pain. When the pain goes away, so does the gain, and usually takes a little extra with it. That's always fun to see.

    Guilty confession: I weigh every day, but only record the losses. Bad, bad, bad.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I guess seeing/hearing "water weight" all the time is as annoying for you as it is for me to see "I GAINED 7 LBS IN 3 DAYS!! HELP!"

    People don't understand fluctuations...and those that do not or that are bothered by them should not weigh every day.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I think it's helpful to know when I'm carrying extra water weight, and when I've stagnated because I have been less diligent. Then again, I am one of those weigh-every-day people who wants as much data as possible.

    I weigh almost every day, too. This way, I can see what is temporary water gain and what is real gain or loss. What if I weighed just once a week? How would I know that this 1-lb gain is because of the Chinese dinner I had last night?

    I have also noticed temporary gains after starting a new workout. It seems a small gain corresponds to a new muscle pain. When the pain goes away, so does the gain, and usually takes a little extra with it. That's always fun to see.

    Guilty confession: I weigh every day, but only record the losses. Bad, bad, bad.
    Ha, I weigh daily, record once a week in a journal. Only losses go into MFP if I think they're minor or water weight or whatever. The 6lbs I gained after 3 months of overeating got recorded in January when I got my butt back in gear. (The journal always knows the truth though.)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    It's not an excuse, it's an explanation. Why freak out over a little gain if it's just water weight? Unless you actually ate several thousand calories over your maintenance, you didn't gain fat and all you're seeing is a temporary gain. And yes, it is likely that you'll lose those pounds quickly - assuing you get right back on track with your healthy eating/exercise.

    We all need to come to terms with why fluctuations happen so that there's no emotion attached to that number on the scale.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You know, I had Indian food on Sunday. I only ate about 1,400 calories for the day, but I know it's full of sodium. My scale shot up 4 pounds and stayed that way through yesterday.

    I peed a LOT yesterday and today those 4 pounds are gone. I don't think it was an "excuse" to gain weight. But I'm not going to not eat food I enjoy simply because it makes me retain water for a few days. My calories, which are what count, were good.