Hormone Imbalance & Weight loss

anyone found out that hormone imbalance is the reason why its difficult to lose weight?


  • Yes, trying to find some ways to balance it. But it's hard, so hard :/
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    You could, I don't know, talk to your doctor.
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    Yes...I've been having issues with this for years. However, I'm working with health care professionals to try to find ways to work around this. It's terribly hard, that's for sure, but it's doable. I've had luck in the past, even though right now I'm doing quite poorly.

    Keep in mind that each hormonal imbalance is slightly different, so will affect you differently than it will the next person. Find a professional you trust and they can help you better than anyone here can.

    Best of luck!

    ETA: I just noticed that the OP was from May!