10 Simple things you can do to facilitate weight loss



  • CBworkout91
    CBworkout91 Posts: 26 Member
    Not really feeling 6... this can seriously backfire if the person isn't skilled at counseling or offering advice. Either they are recreational athletes since childhood who have never had an ounce of fat in their life and assume it's all about "willpower", or they are older folks who think they magically absorbed a bunch of knowledge about everything by just existing. It turns out most of their "advice" will come in the form of fat-shaming or other insensitive remarks. To be fair you can blame the media too, with shows like "The Biggest Loser" reinforcing outdated misconceptions about weight loss.

    Here's an example: they see you drinking a milkshake or something, and tell you you shouldn't have that. In their mind, they are being totally helpful by informing you that a milkshake is high in fat and calories (OMG REALLY?). Maybe they don't know you're on a cheat day, maybe they don't care, maybe you skipped a meal to make up for this treat or something... regardless of your plan, are you really obligated to explain to them why you're doing that? Is it really their business? A comment like this gives me the impression that they see me as ignorant or weak, and i'm more likely to hide my milkshake in the future than actually stop drinking them.
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    it's been proven lifting heavy weights several times a week burns more calories than cardio due to the body expending energy rebuilding the muscle

    I would like to see that study. Honestly, I would. Do you have a link to it?

    This is coming from someone who is an avid supporter of weight lifting while attempting to lose weight...I've just never heard that before.
    I was told by my orthopedic doctor last week about this; I was surprised too
    I don't know how legitimate the source is, but it's a good read
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.

    Dude sounds like he is having some success, is excited by that and wants to share...don't need to crap on that really.
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    Thanks. I am not saying its wrong, but I remain skeptical simply because what this is is basically an opinion piece. What the person who wrote the article feels is true based on other internet articles he/she has read. It is no more scientifically valid or based than if you had decided to hop on the internet and write an article yourself. There is one study mentioned where they did diet, diet + aerobics and diet + aerobics + weight lifting and the group that did all three lost more but they didn't include a diet + weight lifting group (without the aerobics) so its hard to say. They don't cite the source so its hard to follow up on.

    It sounded to me like you were a bit skeptical as well which I think is good. I don't think your advice is bad by the way but your language is I think stronger than it needs to be. You come across as stating objective truths when in fact you are stating well meant opinions. That can rub some people the wrong way. Hope you take that for what it is which is just some advice about forum posting.

  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Oh goody, it's yet another "one size fits all" thread from our know-it-all highschooler kid who all-of-a-sudden NOW wants to impress his girlfriend..

    Geez, lighten up! The OP didn't say you MUST do these things, just that these things can facilitate weight loss.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    This isn't necessarily true. It would greatly depend on the intensity of either exercise.
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    I would like to hear more about this. According to MFP, I only burn about 3 calories a minute when I lift, but my cardio burns range from 8 to 11.
  • harhir
    harhir Posts: 4
    I think people put too much science in all that. I grew up in Germany and when I was a kid I never got fat. And neither were my parents. Obesity was basically unknown. I was active a lot. Not by doing doing sports on a regular basis or going to a gym. I never even joined any sports team. I just did a lot of walking or riding my bike. We had no fast food place in the area and the first burger chain restaurant opened in the early 80s and was about 8 miles away. Most of the food was home cooked. And I mean cooked. Not fried. And some of the veggies even home grown.

    Yes our society has changed and so have we. I became a couch potato as well and gained lots of weight. Too much work, too much stress, not enough time here and there... In addition the move to the USA with the convenience where almost everything and sometimes only can be done by car and where food is available 24h a day and restaurant portions for 1 easily feed 2-3 did not help it either.
    With a lot of common sense and a more healthy life style it is very easy to loose weight. Yes this sometimes requires more time.
    - Spend some time to cook a healthy meal instead of take-out or a trip to the restaurant. It is fun too.
    - Don't use the car for everything but get the bike out when you need to run to the store
    - And when you use the car don't circle the parking lot to find the closest spot to the door. Park in the last row and WALK,
    - Dump the heavy fried food for some more healthy stuff. E.g. a salad vs fries for a side.
    - Don't finish the plate just because they loaded it. Take part of it as to go and use it for lunch or dinner the next day
    - Get away from the TV and take stroll through the neighborhood.
    - Replace the unhealthy snacks with fruits, dump the white bread for multigrain, ....
    - and and and....

    I personally don't believe in rigorous diets but rather change my life style which can maintain with joy. I use MFP to get a rough track on what I eat. I am not a bean counter and don't count every calorie. Plus/Minus 200 calories I really don't care.
    But I have changed my life style over the past 2 months and with a more watchful eye on what and how much I eat I easily lost over 20lb in 2 months now.
    And as a a side note: I am a homebrewer and still have my daily dosage of homebrew... ;-)
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    I would like to hear more about this. According to MFP, I only burn about 3 calories a minute when I lift, but my cardio burns range from 8 to 11.
    MFP is amazing for counting calories with foods, but for exercising I've found it to be lacking. Try using Nike+ and see what that gives you for a simple run.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    4 5 and 6 are more for controlling hunger and preventing binge eating
    As for weight lifting, it's been proven lifting heavy weights several times a week burns more calories than cardio due to the body expending energy rebuilding the muscle

    Take my advice however you choose to
  • StacyRenee77
    StacyRenee77 Posts: 2,732 Member
    i agree with most of whats said here, other than meal timing and size, in fact many would say that one or two large meals a day will facilitate fat loss better than smaller more frequent meals (intermittent fasting).
    but dont try and dish out advice in your first couple months. sit back and read the forums for awhile otherwise you may end up steering someone down the wrong path

    Yep yep!!
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    I would like to hear more about this. According to MFP, I only burn about 3 calories a minute when I lift, but my cardio burns range from 8 to 11.
    MFP is amazing for counting calories with foods, but for exercising I've found it to be lacking. Try using Nike+ and see what that gives you for a simple run.

    For the most accurate calculation of calories burned the best method is via HRM.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    read both articles
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    I think the advice OP gave in general is fairly good even if he is suffering from the standard "If it worked for me it will work for everyone so let me share my insights with the world" syndrome.

    Personally I just tacked on "I found that for me personally...." onto each one of his statements and gave him the benefit of the doubt.
    I linked the source in that last post if you missed it

    From the nerd fitness article:
    "If time isn’t a factor for you, and you don’t mind spending more time in the gym on a daily basis, you can burn way more calories doing steady cardio than with just 30 minutes of weight training three days a week."
    That's absolutely true
    But 30 minutes of cardio will burn less calories than 30 minutes of weight lifting

    I would like to hear more about this. According to MFP, I only burn about 3 calories a minute when I lift, but my cardio burns range from 8 to 11.
    MFP is amazing for counting calories with foods, but for exercising I've found it to be lacking. Try using Nike+ and see what that gives you for a simple run.

    I have a BodyMedia which was generally step-in-step with MFP on cardio burns. I've recently started using my iPod Nano which has a fitness app (I think it's Nike+) and it's usually within 2-3 calories of what MFP and the BMF say. If I jog at 5 mph for half an hour, I will get credited with roughly 240 calories burned. Half an hour of weight training seems considerably less. I usually lift for an hour and MFP gives me 179 calories burned for that, so about 90 for a half hour...?
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    it's been proven lifting heavy weights several times a week burns more calories than cardio due to the body expending energy rebuilding the muscle

    I would like to see that study. Honestly, I would. Do you have a link to it?

    This is coming from someone who is an avid supporter of weight lifting while attempting to lose weight...I've just never heard that before.

    Don't know if this is what you mean but, I have the book "The New Rules of Lifting for Women' and it talks about an article published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2003 about a study done by the University of Colorado. They took a group of men and women and split them up and had half burn 400 calories doing cardio and the other half burn 400 calories doing weight lifting. What they discovered was that 15 hours after the weight workout, the men and women were burning 22 percent more fat then those that did the cardio training. It has to do with Fat oxidation and how our body uses oxygen to turn fat into energy.

    Unfortunately I can't find the article on line, maybe because it is to old.