Friggin weird review on amazon

Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
So I'm looking into this core dvd for my hubs on amazon, and I come across a core fusion body sculpt dvd, with this SUPER helpful review

"I was shocked to see a Hindu God sculpture in the background. It didn't feel it was appropriate and found it offensive! Why couldn't they leave their beliefs out of the workout video? I don't believe in worshiping carved Idols so I could not workout to the video.They clearly wanted to make a point of promoting their beliefs otherwise why include it?"

I mean really.............really......come on. I saw the background, it was a friggin decoration. Somebody needs an exercise in tolerance (pun intended).


  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    So I'm looking into this core dvd for my hubs on amazon, and I come across a core fusion body sculpt dvd, with this SUPER helpful review

    "I was shocked to see a Hindu God sculpture in the background. It didn't feel it was appropriate and found it offensive! Why couldn't they leave their beliefs out of the workout video? I don't believe in worshiping carved Idols so I could not workout to the video.They clearly wanted to make a point of promoting their beliefs otherwise why include it?"

    I mean really.............really......come on. I saw the background, it was a friggin decoration. Somebody needs an exercise in tolerance (pun intended).

    We live in a sensitive world... ugh.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    The sculpture looked like it was from Pier one lol
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It seems like everybody just has to be offended over something... anything... no matter how far they have to reach...

    I'm wondering if it would be "hipster" to not be offended at anything these days... Like "yeah! I wasn't offended at anything before it was cool"
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    LOL...that does not surprise me at all, sadly. Btw I loved your comment about the statue looking like it came from Pier 1 anyway...
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    So I'm looking into this core dvd for my hubs on amazon, and I come across a core fusion body sculpt dvd, with this SUPER helpful review

    "I was shocked to see a Hindu God sculpture in the background. It didn't feel it was appropriate and found it offensive! Why couldn't they leave their beliefs out of the workout video? I don't believe in worshiping carved Idols so I could not workout to the video.They clearly wanted to make a point of promoting their beliefs otherwise why include it?"

    I mean really.............really......come on. I saw the background, it was a friggin decoration. Somebody needs an exercise in tolerance (pun intended).

    This person was offended by the statue and you were offended by their review.....don't quite see the difference. You are right tolerance needs to be exercised.....:o).
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member

    added to my amazon wishlist... now to wait patiently for my wife to look through for my birthday.... :devil:
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    So I'm looking into this core dvd for my hubs on amazon, and I come across a core fusion body sculpt dvd, with this SUPER helpful review

    "I was shocked to see a Hindu God sculpture in the background. It didn't feel it was appropriate and found it offensive! Why couldn't they leave their beliefs out of the workout video? I don't believe in worshiping carved Idols so I could not workout to the video.They clearly wanted to make a point of promoting their beliefs otherwise why include it?"

    I mean really.............really......come on. I saw the background, it was a friggin decoration. Somebody needs an exercise in tolerance (pun intended).

    This person was offended by the statue and you were offended by their review.....don't quite see the difference. You are right tolerance needs to be exercised.....:o).

    not offended , bewildered.......that's the difference ;) she said she was offended, I did not. You can't assume peoples feelings over the internet, well technically you can......but you shouldn't because you really don't know unless they say it flat out.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    Okay well you have to look it up after but here is just a couple to give you an idea:

    "Sometimes it isn't easy to be a 25 year old stallion married to an 89 year old. That's why I bought this large container of lube. "Kill two birds with one stone" I mused, as I clicked 'buy.' Now I can have relations with my wife, and have something to bury her in."

    "I purchased this barrel of lube with the intention of starting a family. Because it is all natural and water based, I want to pass this onto my children for when they need it, since I got an amazing deal.
    I hope the shipping is discrete because I don't want the mailman to tell my RA- I bet she uses a lot of lube and would hog the barrel all to herself.
    Our next party theme will be lube and bubes. Will update the review once we get the barrel!"

    "I ordered this a week ago, but sadly, while being delivered to my house by an industrial crane, a spillage occured, and the whole tub was spilled on a narrow street in London. The ensuing lubrication dramatically improved the traffic flow along the street. I saw an 8-foot wide bus slide easily through a 5-foot gap.
    Top notch lubrication in an affordable package."

    "When I bought this, I thought '55 Gallon' was just a rating. I mean, a '10 Gallon' hat doesn't really hold 10 gallons... Surely, I thought, there's no way it's actually 55 gallons of lube, it must just be some sort of rating. (yes, the $1000 should've set off a red flag, but I just thought it was REALLY good lube.) Well, I didn't want to pay the $5 for shipping, so I just bought 25 of them to break the $25,000 free shipping threshold. After I placed the order, I was told the lube would arrive in about 2 weeks.

    So it's 2 weeks later, and me and my girlfriend are having a nice romantic dinner together, and we're planning on taking things to the next level. I hear a knock on my door. 'Oh boy!' I thought, 'That must be the delivery man with the lube!' I sign for the package, and tell him to just leave it in the garage. I return to my girlfriend, and she asks who that was. I tell her it was nobody, and we get back to our dinner.

    So things are starting to get hot and heavy between us. I tell her there's something in the garage, and she should go get it. I hear a scream and a loud crash, and run to the garage. This is where I realize my mistake. So, apparently, these are actual 55 gallon drums of lube! Well, I definitely did not know that! (As stated earlier) When the delivery man put them in my garage, he stacked them in a pyramid like fashion. Well one of my cats decided to jump up there and knocked over the top three drums, thus covering my garage floor in lube. My girlfriend tripped and slid into the remaining 22 drums, thus drenching herself in lube. When I get to the garage, since our house is on a downhill slope, I see her speeding down the driveway. I have done some mathematical calculations, and based on the slope of our driveway, her trajectory, the amount of lube, and the friction of the lube, she should be somewhere around Minnesota right now traveling about 80 miles an hour. If you see her, do not immediately attempt to stop her, or you will cover yourself with lube! Instead, try to spray warm soap and water on her in order to remove the lube.

    Moral of the story: These are actual 55 gallon drums. Whatever you do, do not buy 25, unless you want your girlfriend to end up in Minnesota. Although, you do get free shipping with that many... I guess it's a win-lose."

    You get the idea, there are 22 pages of review and a lot would be censored on here lol.
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    I cannot tolerate intolerant people!!!! :explode:
  • yungibear
    yungibear Posts: 138 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm more entertained by the fact that a 55 gallon of lube exists as an actual product or by the creative reviews.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    While we're talking about Amazon reviews. Read anything by James O Thatch. Start with the review of a box of Kleenex's called "A mothers struggle"
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    While we're talking about Amazon reviews. Read anything by James O Thatch. Start with the review of a box of Kleenex's called "A mothers struggle"

    Crap that guys funny!!
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    That's hilarious! I sent this one to my husband the other day. :)