Weight Training?

I'm looking to cut 15ish lbs in a reasonable amount of time (2-4 months). How important is weight training along side of dieting and cardio? The past two weeks I got started back up exercising doing some jogging and biking but i am not a big fan of heading to the gym.

Let me know



  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member

    Just read that.
  • timpoirier
    timpoirier Posts: 5
    Thanks this site is awesome i'm starting the 5x5 this week
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    Been doing 5x5 for about three months (since Jan, when I was released from no exercise because of two herniated discs). Great program. It's the diet that will do the heavy lifting in the weight loss, but lifting heavy will help you maintain your muscle mass through the process. Find things you love to do, because those will be things you'll stick with long after the weight has come off. Personally, I love the feeling after a good workout and wouldn't give that up. But I also love tennis, and bike riding. Go figure.

    BTW, it may seem silly to start with the bar in Stronglifts, but if you aren't a lifter, it's a great way to work on form and become comfortable with the routine. You'll quickly progress and see and feel results. Feel free to add me as a friend.