Get back my fast metabolism HELP!!

Hello eveyone!!
So i need your help
Two years ago i was very thin! I hardly had some fat! I think i mostly had muscles and i will explain you why~

I gained three kg and i was panicked (i know i shouldn't have panicked) --> i gained those three kg because i stopped eating because i was busy for 3-4 days so when i started eating again i gained fat

In normal i would eat so much that i couldn't move

So after the three kg weight gain (i know its an hyperbole but don't dudge me i was wrong i know)
i felt like i had to get rid of them and thought that by not eating for a week would be okay (starvation diet)
but monday i tried i failed ---> after some time i became boulimic -->i would eat all the time or i would try to eat as less as possible
--> i only managed about 2 times to get through 5-6 without eating (eating very little) --> then i would eat

Meanwhile i was weighting myself and usually the difference on scale would be about 1 kg up or down
(and now for example i am 5kg more from when i started two years ago but i think i have lost a lot of muscles and i look like i have gained more kgs)

So on september i decided i will go with the healthy thing
But unfortunatelly i would eat less than i should (i wasn't aware) --> hald starvation mode
So then after 2 weeks of this happening i stopped and decided i will stop dieting to reset my metabolism and when i was ready i would do it more healthy --> but i think i didn't eat a lot and what i ate was mostly junk food

Anyways the problem is that today i started doing a research about how much i should eat +exercise calories etc..
And i ended up thinking that what if i started exercising and eating like i used to before two years ago. Well not that much but close to this!

My question is .. will i ever get back my fast metabolism if i start eating a lot again and do some exersice to gain muscle (lean)