Tracking calories forever!



  • popsicklestar
    popsicklestar Posts: 166 Member
    I actually like tracking calories, which is a good thing because i probably will have to do it forever. I really like seeing how many calories are in different things and how I'm doing in regards to hitting my macros. I find tracking freeing rather than burdensome. Before I tracked calories, I would be afraid to eat "bad" foods like donuts or nachos, but when I see that I can safely fit those foods in within my goals occasionally, it allows me to eat them without feeling guilty and afraid I'm going get fat if I eat a piece of cake or something.
  • Laurenjenai
    Laurenjenai Posts: 197 Member
    I tracked my weight and successfully lost 60+ lbs. When I stopped tracking, at first, everything seemed cool and I was maintaining. Then, I stopped exercising as much and still eating the same, and the lbs slowly added on. About 5 to 7 lbs. Of course I knew without tracking and the basic formula of eat less + burn more= weight loss (something like that lol) yall know what I mean....I would end up gaining weight. But I guess because I didn't physically see I was over a certain amount, there wasn't enough reason to stop me. So I came back on mfp to track and so far I was over budget 3 days, and I didn't like seeing that, so here I am day 4, trying to do better. So that at the end of the day I am happy with my log. With that said, you dont have to count forever, but it helps. Or you can stay very health conscious and know what your putting in and out on your own. There's even studies that ppl who track calories lose a certain % of lbs more than ppl eho dont.
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    I know what you mean - it seems so tiring to track everything for the rest of our lives. But I mean.. just do that like 99.9% of the time... you can occasionally go out and splurge during maintenance and take a mental break and get back at tracking the next day
  • allanakern
    allanakern Posts: 245 Member
    not to mention the sense of control is awesome
  • EuroDivas
    EuroDivas Posts: 93 Member
    I've been maintaining for almost 8 months by tracking calories (did WW for a year before that). At this point, I can't imagine not logging my food. It's just too easy to log everything and to maintain my weight while doing so. Seems like a no-brainer.

    I've toyed with the idea of possibly stopping counting and only starting again if my weight creeps up, but I've got two issues with that:

    1.) I feel like my weight is bound to go up and I'll get on a cycle of losses and gains. I don't want my weight to yo-yo and I dread the thought of having to eat at a defecit again... I love all my calories soooo much.

    2.) I think my accountability will fade over time. It'd be all too easy to stop weighing myself when I don't like the direction my weight is going or just buy a new pair of pants when mine get snug. Then I would be in denial (as history shows) and would avoid all things weight loss related.

    I know how stupid all of that might sound to other people, but that's how I feel today. Ask me again in a few months and my answer might be totally different.

    Totally agree. I stopped logging in the maintenance phase and when I realized the damage it was already 4 kilos too late
  • mp5chik
    mp5chik Posts: 1
    I don't use MFP to just track calories... I am more interested in what I am eating. I love that you can see your % of Protein, Fats and Carbs. I also love to see how my Iron and Calcium for the day is (these are biggies for us women). I also now know what a serving is. It's not about eating less, it's knowing what a real serving of food is. I will probably continue to use MFP for all these reasons. I love it!!!!
  • stephe1987
    stephe1987 Posts: 406 Member
    I don't think so... after a while you know how many calories is in each food item. Unless you start to gain weight back after reaching your goal. I think you can reasonably estimate how much you're eating. If you go slightly over one day, go under the next, etc. No binge eating, eat what you like but in small portions.
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    Not forever but until i can eyeball with ease and foods i don't know the content off.
    Basically i'll be eating as much low GI veggies but not tomatoes and carrots. Plums, green apples, strawberries, and bananas 2-3 times a week. All bran cereal to spice up breakfast, lima beans, lentils, and navy beans 1-2 times a week. Less mayo,more olive oil I plan on making my own and also salad dressing. Other than that diet is basically what an omnivore would eat.