Does food really make you feel more bloated?

mauridaher Posts: 55 Member
I know this may seem like a dumb question.

Today is a national holiday where I live, so there was food everywhere, desserts, you name it. And I ate a whole lot of it.

I have been dieting for 5 months now, with awesome results. I definitely fell off the wagon today. This is not one of those regret-filled "I ate too much" stories, I've been here before and have no trouble whatsoever with getting back on track. I'm pretty sure I deserved, even if only for a day, a break.

Anyway, back to the point. As a result of eating a lot, I feel a bit bloated, I can still see abs if I flex them, but I'm not as comfortable with my body as I am when I'm dieting and working out. Usually, one or two days after getting back on track and eating well, the body just feels right.

My question is: is feeling bloated all psychological, or does food actually make you a bit bigger, even if just for a day?