Been using the app for almost a week

mike7418 Posts: 3 Member
Hey all, I just start using the app. After trying just about everything on, the vitamin shoppe and GNC's shelves. I finally had a chat with one of the floor people at my local Vitamin Shoppe looking at the new thing they have called Next Step. After talking with him trying to get an idea of what I might try with that he talked to me about his using the MyFitnessPal app.

i knew that I really don't eat much during the day but I didn't know how bad that was. Putting everything I eat on the diary at a 2280 calorie a day. And I have Accupedo linked up so it also counts my activity through the day. My breakfast normally counts just under 500 calories, with my activity through the morning I'm back up and above the 2280 calories by 10:30. I'm waiting for lunch, still doing my work. So by lunch I am near 2500 by what the app is telling me. So apparently I should have snacked on something by about 10? I don't eat! This is telling me to eat. I get home from work and still have over 1100 calories to ingest for the day. Do I force myself to eat or do I just say I'm not hungry? The app makes it sound like I am putting my body into starvation mode, lowering my metabolic rate, and basically storing fat. I want it gone!!! I've been trying for years and nothing I have done works. I workout lifting weights, walk more miles until my feet are burning and still blah!!!


  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Hello and welcome! Others will have advice on how to calculate your calories but are you measuring your portions?
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I like fruit and tree nuts for snacks. Try to eat every two hours. I think you need to bump up your cardio and eat small meals & snacks. If you count everything and eat at a deficit you should lose weight.
  • bonjalandoni
    bonjalandoni Posts: 136 Member
    Do you measure your food? Most likely you are not logging properly, If you were in a calorie deficit, you will never be 98 lbs overweight in the first place. On the question should you eat the remaining calories? If you are not hungry, No, dont eat it back.
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Welcome. One of the better things you can do is to make your diary public. That way we can see what you're eating. That would be a big help to us and you.