&$@!! 2200ish cals, 35 carbs, exercise, and gaining #!



  • racinghoss
    racinghoss Posts: 15
    My favorite workout is an interval routine. I will (on a track or park trail) jog 5 minutes to warm up (after about 10 to 15 minutes of stretching), then I alternate 15 sec of all out sprints with 15 sec of "power walking". I do that for 15 sets. Then I finish out by running until I've ran a total of 4 miles. Some days, I will run in my neighborhood, which has lots of huge hills. Those days, I usually run 3-4 miles at the fastest pace I can maintain...I rarely just jog. On bad weather days i will use a spin bike and interval train...1 min at 110%, then 1 minute at 50%. Those workouts last between 30 and 45 minutes. I have other workouts, almost all of which are interval training, but this are good examples of what I try to accomplish.

    My circuit training involves dumbells, an exercise ball, and my body weight. I move from set to set with no rest period, pushing hard. The workouts typically last about 30 minutes.

    I pay attention to my heart rate, and both workouts do well at getting me at my target rate.

    Some days, I run and use weights. I run 3-4 times per week and lift at least 3 times per week.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm still eating at a deficit at 2250 calories, but gaining belly fat.

    No, you're gaining belly fat because you're eating at a surplus.

    Something is wrong with your logging.

    Were you born as a ****, or do you work hard at it? My logging is accurate. Do you really think I could lose all that weight while cheating? My diary is not open, and I don't typically even post here... (wonder why?). Just because I'm not displaying my journey for the whole world to see (or for you to verify), doesn't mean that I'm not doing things right. Gasp, I don't facebook either!

    That said, looking at your advice: I cant/won't "get some damn carbs in me", and I'm most definitely logging properly. So, until you can produce some informative, non ignorant (to diabetes), and non-caustic advice...then kindly but out of my thread. Thanks.

    Sorry he was telling the truth, you are not gaining belly fat if you eat at a deficit, however diabetes will be affecting your calories out part of the equation.

    Becoming insulting because the answer is not what you wanted to hear isnt the way to get people falling over themselves to give you advice
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I didn't say your logging was inaccurate, I said you are eating at a surplus.

    Which you are, if you're gaining fat.

    Good luck!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    My favorite workout is an interval routine. I will (on a track or park trail) jog 5 minutes to warm up (after about 10 to 15 minutes of stretching), then I alternate 15 sec of all out sprints with 15 sec of "power walking". I do that for 15 sets. Then I finish out by running until I've ran a total of 4 miles. Some days, I will run in my neighborhood, which has lots of huge hills. Those days, I usually run 3-4 miles at the fastest pace I can maintain...I rarely just jog. On bad weather days i will use a spin bike and interval train...1 min at 110%, then 1 minute at 50%. Those workouts last between 30 and 45 minutes. I have other workouts, almost all of which are interval training, but this are good examples of what I try to accomplish.

    My circuit training involves dumbells, an exercise ball, and my body weight. I move from set to set with no rest period, pushing hard. The workouts typically last about 30 minutes.

    I pay attention to my heart rate, and both workouts do well at getting me at my target rate.

    Some days, I run and use weights. I run 3-4 times per week and lift at least 3 times per week.
    It sounds like your routine is somewhat similar to mine. I do 3x a week of a 5x5 strength-training routine and 3x a week of HIIT. A couple of evenings or weekends I'll squeeze in a bike ride or run as well, because I enjoy it.

    I lose weight pretty well on 2400 calories a day at around 6'2 - 6'3" (depends on time of day you measure me) and 207lbs right now. I'm about 10.5% bodyfat though, so it's likely my metabolism is higher than someone a similar height/weight but with less lean mass.

    If you're seriously NOT losing weight on an accurately-logged 1700-1800 calories, I'd go see your physician and have a thyroid function panel and cortisol test done - because it's possible it is a medical issue that's preventing weight loss.

    Also, make sure you get enough sleep, and that you're getting proper nutrition. Good luck!
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    I didn't say your logging was inaccurate, I said you are eating at a surplus.

    Which you are, if you're gaining fat.

    Good luck!
    This is exactly right. FYI, just because a calculator says your BMR or TDEE is "X" doesn't mean it is. The calculators are average representations based on a healthy population (without metabolic issues). As such they can't be relied on as being exact.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so OP you upped your calories by 500 a week and wonder why you gained weight?

    You are eating in a surplus…

    go back down by 500 and you should start losing again …

    do you own a food scale? weigh, log, measure everything?
  • racinghoss
    racinghoss Posts: 15
    Yes, I weigh, log, and measure everything. I don't cheat, and if I MUST estimate, I automatically add about 20% just to be safe.

    I added 500 calories, and that barely put me above my BMR, which I used multiple sites to calculate. I figured I was still safe from overeating since I was still eating at a deficit, just a smaller one.

    Yes, I have a Dr that I see regularly. I am extremely knowledgeable about diabetes, as my daughter is type 1, and I am type 2. When your kid suffers from something, you get educated quick about it, and you never stop learning about it. T1 and T2 are not the same, but have similarities. I know the disease.

    The comment about sleep could very well be part of the issue. I worked a 13 hour night shift for 3.5 years. I recently worked 13 days straight, took one day off, then started a new 9-5 daytime job the next day. It sucked and I have not been sleeping well. That was 2 weeks ago of that I started the new job. Between the lack of sleep caused by the extra hours, then the sudden change to a new job and new schedule...it could explain things.

    I weigh again tomorrow. We will see what happens.
  • racinghoss
    racinghoss Posts: 15
    2200 calories for me should definitely not be a surplus.

    38 year old male
    6' 2"
    You read my exercise routines. However, I still used the sedentary setting for my BMR. I don't remember exactly what the calculations said I should be eating to lose 1 lb per week, but it was something like 2400-2600.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    2200 calories for me should definitely not be a surplus.

    38 year old male
    6' 2"
    You read my exercise routines. However, I still used the sedentary setting for my BMR. I don't remember exactly what the calculations said I should be eating to lose 1 lb per week, but it was something like 2400-2600.

    MFP calculations do not take account of medical conditions or medications that can affect the amount of calories your body uses.

    A few of my family have Type 2 Diabetes and are forever being asked to lose a bit of weight but also being told that "it won't be easy while on insulin"

    I know thats anecdotal rather than scientific and each individual circumstance will be different when on medication

    ETA How long is it since you increased your calories and are you eating a high fat diet?
  • racinghoss
    racinghoss Posts: 15
    It has been 5 weeks since I upped the cals. This is my first week going back down to 2000. I am allowing myself that same 35 carbs, but I rarely break 25. I fairly certain that the carbs aren't the problem, since I have been at 35 for a long time and had been losing weight.

    I had been eating around 50-55% fat. However, I upped it to 60%. I've not been that since I was just starting out at 70%.
  • racinghoss
    racinghoss Posts: 15
    Well, the scales yesterday morning said 210lbs. That is an 8 lb loss in a week. It seems way high, but likely because I was retaining water from upping my calories. I weigh once per week, so I hope to keep dropping a pound or two over the next few weeks.

    This is a good exercise in fine tuning my eating lifestyle for the rest of my life.