Anyone using diet products, what worked and what didn't?

Charlie001 Posts: 354
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Starting this thread so we can inform each other of products that work, do not work and side effects if any. It will help take the uncertainty out of what is true and what is comeplete *kitten*. :drinker:


  • Im on slimfast...i thought it would be a quick fix...but its turning out to be more work then i thought! I dont have much time to work out so cutting calories is what i have done. SUPRISE haha...i need to exercise with it too...which it says but i thought i could cut corners?! IDK but im determined to make more time & get the end result i have been hoping for!!! So once I hold up my end of the bargin ill come back and let ya know if it works!!
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    every diet "product" will work unless you don't follow a proper diet and nutrition plan.. but some don't work well with people's bodies...

    I prefer a very simple and plain E.C.A stack..

    (FYI If you don't know it's, ephedrine, caffine and asprin)

    I've tried "ripped freak", "Lipo-6", "RX-6", "Hydroxycut", "Rapid Cuts" Etc.. and they all had the same effect.. if you don't follow a well balanced diet (or the one provided) with exercise it will just make you feel like crap

  • The problem with those is that the stims are hard and most people do not like that. Myself included. I was using a combination of:

    Nutrasea + d
    NOW Green tea extract
    Max Essentials MCT coconut oil
    Presision CLA

    All natural works really well. I am now trying Suq -Q. Only caffine as stim and not alot. No jitters or uncomfortable heat. Will see if it does what they say.

    But for those who want natural, try the above list.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Clean healthy eating, consistent journal keeping, consistent exercise. Basic principals!
  • I have tried GNC's D-4 Thermal Shock & Burn 60. I don't really see where I feel any different on either one of them...especially the Thermal Shock.

    I returned the Thermal Shock and got the GNC Burn 60 in it's place. I don't feel any different on the Burn 60, but I do notice I am more in the "zone" durning my exercise. I also take L-Carnitine.

    I also use to take T-Lyte in high school and it worked with diet and exercise...but it is extremely hard to find now days. I got down to the smallest I have ever been when I was on this.
  • You always need to exercise. Nothing worth having will ever come easy. Anything easy is never appreciated.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    There is no magic weight loss pill.
    A sensible diet & consistent exercise has NEVER failed me.
    I have my limits on what I'll do to sustain/maintain my weight loss
    and popping a pill or concoting a magic drink, for the rest of my life is not
    something I'm willing to do.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I've tried every diet, pill, gimic, you name it . . . in the past. I've now lost over 40 pounds doing it the "old fashioned" way . . . clean eating, portion control, and exercise.
    Nothing else will keep it off for the long run . . . as I like to tell my kids, only hard work will get you the best rewards!
  • Try the natual stack I outlined. If you do and keep calories at 1400 a day for 1 month, you will drop an addition 7 - 10 pounds. Only with exercise though, and I mean the sweating kind.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    If you lose at a (key words) healthy & sustainable rate of loss, WITHOUT the pills, you can also lose up to 10 lbs./mo.
  • I agree. I lost 50 pounds without any help. However, now that I have only 25lbs to go, I have not lost more than 2 or 3 a month. Started with the natural stuff and went back to 7. They are only for a short time use. But again, nothing beats the natural way of exercise and proper eating.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    The less you have to lose, the slower it is to come off.
    Just sayin'.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Mega T Green Tea fat burning supplement. I think it helps me keep my appetite in check. This is the first time I have been able to successfully exercise portion control in many years and I think the Mega T may be partly responsible.

    It isn't very expensive and I have had no bad side effects, so I am sticking to it.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Are you willing to take those "green tea" pills for the rest of your life? Are they teaching you how to control your portion size?
    Why not just drink green tea?
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    I started out on slimfast. It helped me to break the cycle of grazing on junk all day and gave me a structure. After a few months I slowly changed from the shakes to real food and counting cals on MFP. The combination of the shakes and MFP really worked for me.
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    Excersise works (the best diet product) but I've become a fan of celsius and MFP
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I've used a few through the years before just doing plain ol' exercise and counting's a list a summary of why I personally didn't like them:

    Slim Fast. I was starving because I wanted to chew some food! When I finished, yeah, I had lost weight, but as soon as I started chewing my food again, the weight came back.

    Hoodia. Just didn't work. At all. Pure hype.

    Hydroxycut. It made me sick on my stomach! Yeah, I lost weight...cause I couldn't actually eat without being sick.

    Dexatrim with Green Tea. I think this helped a little bit when I worked out, but when I didn't exercise, I saw and felt no difference with anything. I think it was supposed to suppress my appetite, but it failed for me.

    I even took a few that are no longer sold in the US, so I won't bother posting them. :bigsmile:

    I have taken one product from Max Muscle called "Quadra Cuts Extreme" which is supposed to increase your metabolism helping you get through your workouts better. I did notice that this seemed to work a little. I was in a weight loss study where I got the product for free for 2 months, and I saw that it was working...but the drawback is the price. When I finished the study and had lost some weight by doing the same thing I was doing before only adding the supplement, I could see it did it' job cause I lost weight faster. But, the bottle was like $40 for another month's supply. So I didn't get it...

    So I don't even take any more diet products at all. I just exercise and try to eat right and it works best for me.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    Come to think of it, the best diet products that have worked for me are:

    Measuring Cups
    A food scale
    Good fitting sneakers
    Cute workout clothes
    A body weight scale
    Fitness DVDs
    My Bike
    A pass to the local rec center
    My Dog
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Are you willing to take those "green tea" pills for the rest of your life? Are they teaching you how to control your portion size?
    Why not just drink green tea?

    I don't know that I will have to take them for the rest of my life. I am learning how to control my portion size, of course, the pills don't cause you to lose weight. You have to do the same things as anyone else to lose weight. Eat less calories than you burn. That's why I am here, although I did start to lose weight before I came here just by eating better and taking the pills.

    All I said was that I think they are helping me curb my appetite so I can control my portion size. I don't know why you are so disparaging of people using a crutch. It is working for me, that's all I said.

    Someone else can drink green tea if they want. I don't care for the taste.
  • CroakerNorge
    CroakerNorge Posts: 165 Member
    I didnt realize I was disparaging, I thought I was asking questions.
    You can just as easily eat filling foods to help curb your appetite; protein, whole grains, fruits and veg are a great place to start.
    Using something as a crutch isn't necessarily a good thing.
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