I need new shoes - recommendations?

I need to get some new tennis shoes but I want to know what kind would be the best to get. I have wide feet so I am kind of limited in what I can find but if I look hard enough I can find them but it's easier if I know what to look for.

I am doing T25 right now but I am also going to be doing several 5K and 7K walks this summer. Is one type of shoe better than another for these types of exercise?


  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    None at all???
  • bald_navy_wife
    bald_navy_wife Posts: 81 Member
    IMO i like Nike free fly knits-they're great for running
  • skyeny
    skyeny Posts: 51 Member
    Nikes are my choice) Try at the store, order online (for less $$)!
  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I need to get some new tennis shoes but I want to know what kind would be the best to get. I have wide feet so I am kind of limited in what I can find but if I look hard enough I can find them but it's easier if I know what to look for.

    I am doing T25 right now but I am also going to be doing several 5K and 7K walks this summer. Is one type of shoe better than another for these types of exercise?

    Id say cross trainers, basketball shoes, tennis shoes are fine for types training where you cut/change direction like T25. Its only for running most people would suggest you get specific running shoes.

    For cross training shoes Id say Nikes are a good start
  • RavenNevermore15
    RavenNevermore15 Posts: 36 Member
    I have to say, I switched from Nikes to Brooks and have never been happier. They're a bit pricier but they cater to wider and narrow feet. I'm on my 4th pair of Adrenaline GTS. NOT because the shoes have fallen apart, I've just worn the soles/treads down with all the walking/running/exercise I've done in them. Apart from the bottoms of the shoes, they all still look brand new. Great shoes, a good investment for sure. Plus their website helps you pick out which shoe is best for the kind of workouts you'll do in them. :)
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    Thank you everyone! I will check out Nike and Brooks. I do not mind spending a bit of money on them to spare my feet pain.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    generally they recommend cross trainers for insanity so i'd imagine thats what you want in T25.

    you can tell the difference between a cross trainer and a runner when you do lateral movements.

    the cross trainer will not be ideal for the 5k, because they will be significantly heavier... but its not a very long run.

    i've been using a rebook free runner or whatever thier verision is called. its supposed to be a trainer but i think its much closer to a running shoe.

    i stayed away from the thin, flexible soles because i thought i needed much more padding. i tried them and i really like them. i recommend that you check out a website called 6pm.com. everthing ships free and the prices are very good.

    you can get last years reeboks for less then $60

    and in my experience, even a cheap, brand new shoe is better then a throughly used year old shoe.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    You mentioned you had wide feet. I have skinny feet and Nike work for me, but I also LOVE Saucony..they have a wider forefoot, if you want to try those out as well. New Balance is known for wide feet, but I wasn't as comfortable in those. Saucony has good arches in them.