I really don't want to go back to the gym...



  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    Some dumb ***** spoiled your day - shame on her - If let derail your healthy lifestyle - shame on you - go back if she opens her mouth again tell her you`ll eat her
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    from all the girls that only went there to show off there thin bodies....(like they REALLY needed to work out)

    you didn't seriously just say that that did you??

    how do you feel when you eat something and someone says ... like you REALLY need to eat that?

    is that okay?

    NO - it's not. What you said was 100% wrong and spiteful.

    FYI- just so you know this for when you reach your skinny days and people start hating on you with no reason... workouts often aren't about being skinny- and YES you need to keep working out to keep a level of fitness up. There is no magical I've reached my goal weight I'm going to stop doing all the things I've been doing. You gotta keep doing the things you are doing to keep up that fab new body you earned. I hope one day when you're fit and closing in on your goal weight you realize how horrible that sentence is.
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    So I was exercising pretty regularly from February - April.
    I had a pretty regular routine, I did cardio classes Monday, Wednesdays, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I did Yoga, and Friday I did abs class.
    Until this girl starting going on about "fat b*****es" that take up space in yoga classes.

    Now I feel like I ought to work out at home on workout DVDs until I get thin enough to be seen at a public gym.
    Does this happen to anyone else?

    Doesn't happen to me, but I'm from the UK, and us Brits ***** behind people's backs, not in plain sight (and earshot). Maybe some people do think I shouldn't be in the gym. Sod 'em! I'm doing this for me! Actually, I've found people quite helpful, but all it takes is one idiot to completely knock you off your stride.

    The thing to remember is that whilst the comment was cruel, the best revenge is living well. It's a dignified way of dealing with things and means you win. In all possible ways.

    Exercising at home won't be as effective as exercising in the gym, unless you have all kinds of expensive kit at home (I don't). Hold your head up high, go back to the gym, keep doing your thing, and you are going to get even fitter and healthier - probably thinner too. Victory will be all yours.

    We could all look better - let's face it, we wouldn't be working so hard to get our diet and lifestyle under control if we were already perfect. But any embarrassment I might feel at being the fattest person in the gym is worth it, because the scales are moving and I feel good. Focus on the end goal - how you will look when you keep this new healther lifestyle going. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for making an effort - frankly, with so many classes a week, you deserve a medal.
  • shufflewick71
    shufflewick71 Posts: 6 Member
    Hope you get back in that gym....don't let the mean girl win!
  • shufflewick71
    shufflewick71 Posts: 6 Member
    What a miserable, ignorant rude cow of a woman.

    The Miserable Ignorant Rude Cow anti-defamation league will be contacting you for slander.

    I unreservedly apologise to any cows that have been offended by the comparison.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    "I might be big, but I can lose weight. I doubt there is anything you can do to lose that nasty, judgmental attitude of yours."
  • Swilla_Swole
    Swilla_Swole Posts: 333 Member
    This is what my response would have been had I overheard that:

    "I know, right!? It's almost as bad as when narrow-minded, egotistical, dim-witted (insert expletive, I would have gone with one that starts with c) waste space in this universe with their existence, huh? Oh well. That's life, I guess." and then go back at being awesome at yoga.

    There is no room for that sort of attitude in a place of health and fitness.
    This. This one wins. OP, I would double up on the yoga classes just to spite that bish. And I'd eat a burrito for lunch and make sure my big sexy musical butt was right in her face when we did Downward Dog.

    Awesome! Her reaction would be like this
    > :noway: :grumble: And then you would be like :laugh: Bish!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    So I was exercising pretty regularly from February - April.
    I had a pretty regular routine, I did cardio classes Monday, Wednesdays, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I did Yoga, and Friday I did abs class.
    Until this girl starting going on about "fat b*****es" that take up space in yoga classes.

    Now I feel like I ought to work out at home on workout DVDs until I get thin enough to be seen at a public gym.
    Does this happen to anyone else?

    Just go to class and find someone to talk to and start going on about loudmouthed betches that take up headspace in yoga class.