I really don't want to go back to the gym...



  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    You don't need to be "thin" to go to the gym. You're working on it, that's your place, and you probably belong to that class more than she does. Isn't yoga meant to be relaxing? Because she doesn't sound relaxed at all. Maybe she should try some boxe class to get rid of all of that unnecessary grudge.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    You are the only person who will ever let comments affect you. YOU decide what does and does not bother you. If stupid comments become unimportant to you, then you'll never have to worry about them. If, however, you allow stupid comments to dictate how you feel about yourself, well, then you may want to buy a home gym and vacuum the cobwebs out of your basement.

    In short, you have no control over what people say, but you have ultimate control over how you take it.
  • twinkleboobee
    twinkleboobee Posts: 33 Member
    I usually find that people like this are very unhappy, it makes them feel good to be nasty about others (very school playground), but deep
    down, or maybe not that deep, they in fact do not like themselves. We all spend so much time eating well and trying
    to keep fit, but neglect mental well-being, this girl being a prime example. Everything starts with the mind, and she sounds
    extremely unstable.

    If you're a happy yoga member, why would you say such horrible things? It's actually nothing against you or anyone in the yoga class, she's merely insecure, unhappy and with a nasty vocal attitude like that is in need of therapy classes not yoga to get to the bottom of her loathing, most probably towards herself.

    To be honest I would report her simply because she will go on to upset others, you pay your membership, everyone
    should respect each other, that is disgusting behaviour and I'm sorry you had to hear such vulgar words from a
    nobodies mouth.

    Smile, you'll always be happier than her and well done on all your exercise, get back to the gym and hold your head high!
  • shufflewick71
    shufflewick71 Posts: 6 Member
    What a miserable, ignorant rude cow of a woman. Talk about empathetic to her fellow class members!!!

    Do not allow this dumb *kitten* stop you from attending classes. You have every right to be there, as well as anyone who is motivated to improve their health. People like that are basically overgrown school bullies who clearly have huge issues with themselves if they need to make themselves feel better by badmouthing or belittling others.

    Incidentally, it is helpful to remember that no matter what her body looks like, or eventually looks like, she will ALWAYS be an ugly person on the inside and that will NEVER change!!

    She is not worth a second's thought, so hang in there.x
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Are you paying her for your gym membership? is she paying your gym membership? Then I am going to need you to go back to that yoga class, get into the space you paid for (preferably in front of her) and get the workout you paid for. Also consider the fact that she may not have even been talking about you.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I would say feel sorry for her because how sad it must be to go through life like that- but then- I feel like that's a waste of genuine emotion on someone who clearly doesn't warrant it.
  • skyeny
    skyeny Posts: 51 Member
    If she's so skinny, she should be able to squeeze... So many people are in denial about their psychological problems. Don't make their problems your problems. It wasn't about you, it's about her.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    People can be mean, it's important not to let them run your life. Go back to the gym and ignore that witch. Odds are she just isn't happy with her own body and is looking for someone to make her feel better. Nobody likes a bully.
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    I've had a few girls at my gym giggle at my workout clothes. Fashion isn't my strong suit,so I don't know how to dress around my size-other than cover it up. So, t-shirts and shorts...not much cutesy stuff. You know what shuts them up? Their max is too light for my warm up. I always think, "Keep laughing ladies. I'm gonna look badass."

    What I'm saying is, keep your eye on on where you're going and ignore them. If they have a problem with the class. They can leave.
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    So I was exercising pretty regularly from February - April.
    I had a pretty regular routine, I did cardio classes Monday, Wednesdays, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday I did Yoga, and Friday I did abs class.
    Until this girl starting going on about "fat b*****es" that take up space in yoga classes.

    Now I feel like I ought to work out at home on workout DVDs until I get thin enough to be seen at a public gym.
    Does this happen to anyone else?

    She sounds like a very uplifting and enjoyable person to be around *sarcasm*. Her comment doesn't even make sense.

    Whether she was talking about you or not is irrelevant. You enjoy your gym classes, you pay to be there, and you have every right to be there. Definitely report her nasty comments to the instructor and to the gym management. If she bothered you, she has likely bothered others who didn't say anything.

    Don't ever let someone else's negativity be the deciding factor of your behavior and your choices. That gives them power over you that they do not deserve.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Really? Obviously she does not feel good in her own skin. IGNORE the ignorant. Go to that GYM and be proud. Why would you let someone like that dictate your workout routine.
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member

    I'd daub something obnoxious like 'too legit to quit' in glitter onto the seat of my pants.


  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Oh hell no! I would set her straight in a heart beat. Don't you dare leave that gym....you deserve to be there as much as anyone else.
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    What a miserable, ignorant rude cow of a woman.

    The Miserable Ignorant Rude Cow anti-defamation league will be contacting you for slander.
  • SmaugHugs
    SmaugHugs Posts: 60 Member
    I get looks from the self proclaimed hot girls in my building's gym all the time. The look of, " Why is she even bothering?". Well, I bother for me. It used to bug me and make me feel lousy about myself,but the reality is they are pretty insignificant in my life... but my health and happiness are so important to me and my future that they can go stick their snooty noses elsewhere.

    If someone has to knock on other people who are actively trying to better their health and quailty of life... they seriously need a good dose of reality and humility.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Hello: Skip the gym, skip the pencil thin dead head blondes at the gym (no offense to anyone, that is just how they are at the gym I used to go to), and get a bike. I am now 261 pounds. I was 278 pounds just 15 days ago (lost 17 pounds in 15 days). I used to do the "gym thing", but I just could not keep doing it day after day. I hated spending 20 minutes driving to the gym, 20 minutes driving home from the gym, signing in, and then the "snickers" from all the girls that only went there to show off there thin bodies....(like they REALLY needed to work out). I bought a bike and I found out one thing....it was a really good workout, I burned high amounts of calories, I had fun, stayed cool.....and I did it all sitting on my butt!! LOL

    I have logged about 2000 miles on my bike (not all at once, but about 12 miles per day with the occasional weekend 80 - 90 mile ride). I currently do an 11.5 mile circuit at about 15 mph, and that burns over 800 calories per trip (at my weight) and I can do it in 40 minutes. I leave from my home exercising and I return to my home to end exercising. I just ride down my street, or a low traffic route. I live in Florida, so they have "rail trails" here for riding where no cars can go. Most states have rail trails or greenways laid out for biking if you can't ride from your home.

    Go on google and find a good calorie calculator and enter your stats to see how much you can burn cycling. When I first started, I could only do about 2 miles at about 4 mph. It took some time to work up to where I am now, but you will be amazed at the workout you can get and how fast the fat will melt off. Plus, wait till you see how well your legs shape up and your upper arms get from cycling. Recommendation: Start with a cheaper hybrid bike first, to see if you like it before spending a lot of money. Then, move up to a good bike later. I started with a hybrid (not totally upright riding) Schwinn from Target for $250.00. My current bike costs me just over $2000.00. That is how much I like biking. Of course, I gained back the 70 pounds I lost in the five months I was biking and now have to start over again. I am a truck driver, and at the time, I had no way to carry my bike on the truck....so hello pounds. But now, we have a way to carry our bikes and I anticipate another 70 pounds flying off in 5 months again. I have a total of 103 pounds to lose.
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    Hey you shouldn't feel uncomfortable at a gym that your a member at! She has no right too make those type of comments! If I were you I would speak with the instructor and management. There is no one that will ever prevent me from going to my gym!

    I agree. I would definitely suggest the OP talk to management.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    You let this biznach get to you? Girl pls. I would crowd her space next time and be like
  • shmerek
    shmerek Posts: 963 Member
    **** them, just keep doing what you are doing.