Fruit infused water vs. eating fruit and drinking water

Maybe this is a silly question, i'm just curious.

Is it more beneficial to infuse your water with a particular fruit or to just eat the fruit itself?

I already eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty water so it's kinda hard for me to understand what's the fuss about. It seems like it's just good for people that have a hard time drinking water or don't eat a lot of fruit? I can understand the lemon infused water in the mornings to balance your PH levels, but for example strawberry infused water , isn't it better to just eat the strawberries?
Maybe I'm over thinking it, maybe it just looks pretty in water and this is another food fad.



  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    It's better to just eat the fruit.

    And lemon water doesn't "balance your pH." Your kidneys and lungs do that on a second by second basis, and unless you're gravely ill, don't need any help.
  • traelime
    traelime Posts: 6 Member
    I put fruit in my water because I don't like the taste of plain water (yes, it does have a taste to me). So the fruit helps me drink more water without having to add any kind of chemical stuff to it (crystal light, MIO etc.). I also eat lots of fruit by itself. The fruit in the water is purely to help naturally sweeten the water.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    Of course it's better to just eat the fruit.

    But there's no harm in having some fruit infused water if you like it. It's certainly better than soda or bottled juice.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    I put fruit in my water because I don't like the taste of plain water (yes, it does have a taste to me). So the fruit helps me drink more water without having to add any kind of chemical stuff to it (crystal light, MIO etc.). I also eat lots of fruit by itself. The fruit in the water is purely to help naturally sweeten the water.

  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    It's better to just eat the fruit.

    And lemon water doesn't "balance your pH." Your kidneys and lungs do that on a second by second basis, and unless you're gravely ill, don't need any help.

    YES! If your pH changes in either direction any measurable amount, you're probably about to die.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Pretty sure people just put fruit in their water to make the water taste good (or in my opinion, make it disgusting :laugh: )
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Maybe this is a silly question, i'm just curious.

    Is it more beneficial to infuse your water with a particular fruit or to just eat the fruit itself?

    I already eat a lot of fruit and drink plenty water so it's kinda hard for me to understand what's the fuss about. It seems like it's just good for people that have a hard time drinking water or don't eat a lot of fruit? I can understand the lemon infused water in the mornings to balance your PH levels, but for example strawberry infused water , isn't it better to just eat the strawberries?
    Maybe I'm over thinking it, maybe it just looks pretty in water and this is another food fad.


    I believe that most people do it for the taste..............
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Just last weekend I went to a convention where they had carafes of water with various fruits in them; some had oranges, some had strawberries, some had blackberries and oranges.

    The water tasted so good! It was so pleasant drinking ice cold water that had the essence of strawberry in it.

    I don't see any benefit aside from just feeling good and making me happy. SO I vote yes to infused water and yes to eating your fruit.
  • msommy
    msommy Posts: 17 Member
    For those of you who like to infuse fruit with your water, check out I just got a few of these bottles for making my water taste good. I saw Define Bottle on pinterest and it was also featured on Shark Tank. I had to try it out. It is quite possibly the best and most smart way to infuse water as the water bottles I have seen have that cheap plastic tube down the middle of the bottle which are awful.