T.H.E.(Trying Hard Everday) Team 10/22/10 to 10/29/10



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Got up at 5am and started Fire 55 EZ at 5:30am ate breakfast at 6:30am started my 4 miler at 7:30am done before 8:30am. WHEW!!! Busy morning, but am glad it is all done for the day. My pace was at 9:47 and that is my fastest to date. I am so excited about that. Slowly getting faster, plus I was running in my new shoes that are lighter than my other ones. I don't know, maybe that makes a big difference. It was a good run in 41 degree weather with wind gusts up to 50mph. I would have started running earlier, but I needed to wait for more light. I don't have any reflective gear yet, but am working on that. I just ordered a Helium 4 from my local sporting good store and will be able to pick it up anytime. Can't wait to try it out. Now the only other thing I need is some sunglasses that won't slide around my nose. Then I will be completely set for my race. Oh yeah, and I have officially signed up for my half. It is on December 19th in Springfield, Missouri. I picked this one since my in-laws live there and I won't need to get a hotel. Plus Peter (Father-in-Law) likes to cook and after my race I will eat whatever he cooks me. I will definitely deserve it that day.

    Keep up the great work everybody. :bigsmile:
  • kelseyleigh30
    WOW JJ- that was quite a morning. With my schedule today, I did not get to do day 3. I will get it in tomorrow for sure. Life is pretty crazy and busy right now. I did ride the bike for 45 minutes tonight, so that was good. Tomorrow is my weigh-in and I am pretty excited. It is going to be another good number. When is your race date? You will definitely deserve a good meal after that. I am so proud of you! Hope everyone has a good night and I will check in in the morning!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Good morning everyone I weighed in this morning at 161.6 so down .6 this week!!

    Cnbethea SW 162.2/GW 135/ CW 161.6= .6 loss
  • kelseyleigh30
    Cnbethea SW 162.2/GW 135/ CW 161.6= .6 loss
    Kaltgelt SW 270.2/GW 190/ CW 265.6= 4.6 loss

    Great job cnbethea! Keep working hard!

    Hope everyone has a great and successful day!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Good morning everyone I weighed in this morning at 161.6 so down .6 this week!!

    Cnbethea SW 162.2/GW 135/ CW 161.6= .6 loss

    WHOOOHOOO!!! Great job girl. You are doing amazing. :drinker:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Cnbethea SW 162.2/GW 135/ CW 161.6= .6 loss
    Kaltgelt SW 270.2/GW 190/ CW 265.6= 4.6 loss

    Great job cnbethea! Keep working hard!

    Hope everyone has a great and successful day!!

    Kelsey, you are doing amazing. Keep up the great work. Pretty soon there is will be nothing left to lose. :bigsmile: Good job on the bike last nite.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I will weigh in tomorrow morning. :bigsmile: