Opinions please...



  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    The first bike race I ever won was after a week off for my wedding. So yeah, take the time and see what happens! Eventually, if you're serious about your athletic performance (not just your weight loss), you'll find out an adequate tapering regime.

    Before a target race, I will take about 1 week easy. 50% of the volume. 2 hard, but very short workouts with very short efforts. The last one is the day before the race just to make my body remember what it means to go hard and avoid the "holy hell, this is painful" impression the next day.

    I do a Saturday morning bootcamp, one hour of intense body conditioning with a series of 12 minute body strength and endurance WODs and running in between. Kind of a shred type of style only no weights... all body weight and resistance. I noticed on a couple of them that the weeks I actually rested somewhat on a Thursday and Friday I totally crushed the Saturday morning camp and my times. So yes, I totally believe what you're saying here.

    It's just hard to stop... so addicting!